
Standalone 3D first person online deathmatch shooter
  20 reviews

ALIEN ARENA is a standalone 3D first person online death-match shooter crafted from the original source code of Quake II and Quake III, released by id Software under the GPL license. With features including 32-bit graphics, a new particle engine and effects, light blooms, reflective water, hi-resolution textures and skins, and hi-poly models and stain maps, ALIEN ARENA pushes the envelope of graphical beauty rivaling today's top games.

This package installs the SDL client for Alien Arena.
Latest reviews
jaimeandrescatano 4 years ago

just installed it linux mint 20.1, working properly, excellent graphics. perfect for lan party

Tomi1980 7 years ago

Ezt még Windowsos korszakomból ismerem, ott is jó volt :)

WhoKnowsMe91 7 years ago

This game hasn't had a stable update since September 06 2013. Nobody's even playing it.

HerrDierk 8 years ago

Great game... Great graphics, but not so easy to install in Mint. If you are using SVN it works flawless, but when installing "the easy way" it's a pain in.... you know ;-)

stargazerpjs 8 years ago

I using Mint 17.3 Have to install through terminal, will not work if install through software manager, once installed runs good, would like higher graphics resolution but as is the graphics are very good. It is a little buggy but not to buggy, Ive given it 3 because of the bugs, game play and grahics are deserving of a score of 4 or 5

josebaq 9 years ago

Hay que escribir "alien-arena" sin comillas en la terminal para poder jugarlo. Está muy en pañales. No me motivó a jugarlo. Desinstalando...

chinaski 9 years ago

не установилась

rostovenergo 9 years ago

очень плохое мнение

luisbraganca 9 years ago

Very unstable and buggy. Single mode doesn't work properly (unless it's ok to play offline with no bots). Lots of bugs on the menu

prowarz 10 years ago

where is the launch icon ?

drohr 10 years ago

just tyhpe alien-arena in terminal .. Runs in Mint 17.1

massexy 10 years ago

It reminds me of Marathon back in the late 90s when it came free in Macs. I had to edit the link on the panel, removing the "-- quiet" parameter otherwise it doesn't run.

chico20m 10 years ago

Installed but does not run. I cant find launch icon.

mhbell 10 years ago

does not work or install on Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon

JCH2 10 years ago

Does not install properly on the latest Linux Mint. Cannot find or launch it.

_Aleksandr_ 10 years ago

игра хорошая. сложности с установкой, однако )

Lenon 10 years ago

Where are aliens ?

juandiego 10 years ago

Debería haber modo aventura con una misión a realizar.

boss321 11 years ago

love love

chrislembalemba 11 years ago

very nice