Title | Score | |
9 years ago | Changing GRUB time for OS selection | 6 |
8 years ago | Nvidia Optimus (Intel + Nvidia) on Linux Mint 17.1 Cinnamon | 4 |
9 years ago | Task bar trasparency on Cinnamon (ajustable) | 3 |
10 years ago | Oracle XE 11g + SQL Developer + Apache2 + PHP5 on Linux Mint 17.1 | 1 |
9 years ago | Hide firefox titlebar to enlarge your HTML area | 0 |
Software | Score |
cheese "The best webcam program on linux (just ignore the screenshot provided by mint, cheese it's really awesome)" |
5 |
supertux "It's a classic." |
5 |
wireshark "Very interesting. It requires some knowledge and time spent watching tutorials." |
5 |
avidemux "Confusing, there are better alternatives like OpenShot" |
3 |
mintupdate "Really helpful and time saver, it even allows to update the kernel." |
5 |
transmission "It's ok but should have more functions" |
4 |
openshot "Works fine and it's really easy to use (reminds me of win xp's movie maker, way better than seven's movie maker)." |
5 |
supertuxkart "It's ok but not that catchy since it's not multiplayer (network)" |
3 |
virtualbox-3.1 "VirtualBox + Windows 7 (with some tweaks to make windows more lightweight) is way better than using wine. However, needs to be updated, I'm using the original version since it's 4.3.24 and this is 3.1" |
4 |
deluge "Fast and Simple" |
5 |
audacity "User friendly GUI. Every user looks like an audio expert, nice piece. It's really easy to understand." |
5 |
nexuiz "It's really exciting but weapons are really weak (it takes a lot of time to kill someone) and LAN option doesn't work properly." |
2 |
openarena "Quake III > Open Arena" |
3 |
teeworlds "It's really entertaining but it should have bots (and single mode)" |
4 |
alien-arena "Very unstable and buggy. Single mode doesn't work properly (unless it's ok to play offline with no bots). Lots of bugs on the menu" |
2 |
dropbox "2GB? Mint should focus on real cloud services like MEGA" |
1 |
evince "The best .pdf reader on linux" |
5 |
hardinfo "Some hardware is not recognized" |
4 |
gufw "Really helpful" |
5 |
wine1.2 "Tried like 10 windows programs, only 1 worked. The best solution to run windows programs is definitely virtual box." |
2 |
ttf-mscorefonts-installer "Microsoft should install Linux fonts, not Linux installing Microsoft fonts. But oh well... It works fine." |
5 |
libreoffice "Really nice but "Impress" should bring some default themes, and "Drawer" as well." |
4 |
gedit "Who needs notepad++" |
5 |
netbeans "Definitely the best Java IDE. But needs to be updated. I'm using the original netbeans because it's on 8.0.2 version and this is 7.0.1" |
5 |
docky "Very buggy" |
3 |
eclipse "Very confusing" |
3 |
clementine "Best music player on linux. If I select 3 files (.mp3, .pdf, .png) and open them, this is the only music player that ignores the .png and the .pdf and just opens the .mp3 file." |
5 |
firefox "It's the best web browser on linux mint, but the header is too large. Chrome's header is more tiny since it merges the OS window with the browser." |
4 |
skype "Works fine, except when I send a file, it sends it 2 times. And when I receive a file I receive it 2 times as well (same happens to a friend of mine, ubuntu user so It's not from my machine)" |
4 |
inkscape "Best vector drawing program on linux" |
5 |
gimp "I actually prefer GIMP over photoshop, and the best thing is that it's free" |
5 |
gparted "Best tool for partition management" |
5 |
vlc "Best multimedia player on linux mint" |
5 |
monodevelop "It's really nice for small programs, but when using .NET the output is different from the output when using visual studio on windows." |
4 |
redeclipse "Best FPS on mint" |
5 |
thunderbird "Really nice! It allows me to have multiple email accounts at the same time AND the facebook chat open! There's just one thing missing: Group conversations support." |
4 |
pidgin "No support for group conversations" |
2 |
deluge-torrent "Fast and Simple" |
4 |
google-earth-stable "Always crashing on my Cinnamon 17.1 x64" |
1 |