This is depreciated. Use Input Leap now:
Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon, install smooth, service starts. However Win 11 didnt like the something, so im not using it.
Useful and does the job. Just be prepared and save often on anything you work on becuse at some point Barrier will take a walk and take all the inputs with it. No way to restart short of forcing the computer to shutdown by holding down the power button until the system shuts down. No keyboard, no mouse, even the options pressing the power button would normally give you all get disabled/broken, same results either way, with no options otherwise you have to go the hard restart route.
I am using this software to connect my Puget Systems Tower and an old Asus laptop with a secondary monitor. It works perfectly. Note that you will have to add Firewall rules for in/out tcp on both the client and server computers!