
King James Version of the Bible: user interface program.
  6 reviews

This package contains a text-retrieval program and user interface which is primarily designed to operate on the text and concordance of the King James translation of the Bible, although it could, in principle, be used for any text. The search/browse engine allows searching and reading passages from scripture. Includes full concordance.

It would be nice if someone could set up a web interface for the bible.
Latest reviews
stepnjump 3 years ago

Wow! This is sooo AMAZING!!!! I couldn't dream anything this nice! wow!! I'm appalled! Thank you sooooooo much!!!!! Great way to quickly write those passages to disk quickly. May I suggest that it would be nice to be able to also insert some comments for ?w also... but it's just amazing. May God keep blessing you my brother! Pierre

mahook 6 years ago

Don't know, didn't install it: I always use It has everything, versions, concordance, commentaries, all of it.

jastombaugh 7 years ago

CLI access to the KJV Bible. Absolutely fantastic! It very much reminds me of 'Godspeed' by Kindom Age Software for MS-DOS back in 1987. Simple, quick reference and concordance access. I use this every single week, as it works great for locating and inserting quick verses into documents. For a more fully featured desktop application, I highly recommend Bible Analyzer by Timothy Morton. A very professional-grade application (ofcourse it's free!) with modules that can be downloaded and added. Thank you for the 'bible' CLI application. It works well and efficiently. Now we just need someone to write a LibreOffice extension that will use the bible app to automatically insert verses when you type in the reference in a doc!

shelleyfrank 7 years ago

ditto Rickey, you can probably write your own frontend. However, there is a very nice bible reader available at Crosswire. Add the repo and install.

Rickey 8 years ago

For a command line program it is great. If you are looking for a GUI program this isn't it, but if you just want to do a quick search at the Command Line then this is your program. What I love about it is I am able to write my own custom GUI front ends for it. Since it able to display scripture look ups, word searchs etc; most of the work is already done.

visterine 10 years ago

Apenas em linha de comando e em inglês.