
Very fast and versatile 3D modeller/renderer
  20 reviews

Blender is an integrated 3d suite for modelling, animation, rendering, post-production, interactive creation and playback (games). Blender has its own particular user interface, which is implemented entirely in OpenGL and designed with speed in mind. Python bindings are available for scripting; import/export features for popular file formats like 3D Studio and Wavefront Obj are implemented as scripts by the community. Stills, animations, models for games or other third party engines and interactive content in the form of a standalone binary are common products of Blender use.
Latest reviews
AverageMintUser 1 week ago

This version is outdated. Downloading from the official blender website is better

hankball 2 months ago

Useless. I've downloaded and installed, but get a grey panel then it immediately crashes. No Google search helped and no questions to the forum helped.

Ninpodeshi 6 months ago

Blender is a great animation program. I'm only giving it a 3 because this package is over 8 months out of date. I am not a programmer, so it took me hours to install the new version. Please update!

emmanuel 6 months ago

It works fine, I can't use the flatpak version because my CPU is old, so I'm glad this version exists and it's easy to install.

Kero_Don 7 months ago

So for those here who commented that Blender should be up to date, let me explain why it remains on a specific version for a while just like the other packages in APT. Linux mint is based on Debian. So the packages are only updated as soon as a new release of Linux Mint is available. The packages in APT are only updated only when a new release of Linux Mint is available. The packages will remain in their versions if Linux Mint is not upgraded.

olafthelofty 10 months ago

I've been a Blender user for year and it's truly brilliant in every respect however Mint should remove this version. It's a joke and may well put people off using it. Even the screen shot is from the ancient pre-2.8 days. You all have two much better options: Either use the Flatpak version of if like me you don't like the bloat download the Zip from (or if you want the bleeding edge stuff). It's runs perfectly straight out of the folder you unzip it to. Been doing this for years with no problem at all.

MvGulik 1 year ago

Outdated, outdated, outdated. ... But than again, relying on volunteering thirst-parties to do this seems a flawed system. As such there will probably never be a LTS version (until it has become outdated) that is not relying on some alternative & additional installed semi-OS like Snap or FlatPak. (Total freedom always turns into total chaos).

piratenahid 1 year ago

The software is awesome but need to keep it up to date with the original website.

Massimo8787 2 years ago

Volevo sapere se si possono fare del salvaschermo, con questo software

mutaician 2 years ago

good software

Satscape 2 years ago

My most used software, could do with updating more often on here, Also, is there a way I can submit a new screenshot, the current one is from the 1990s.

toomyg155 2 years ago

This needs to be updated cause this version wont work or should say open blender files that are 3.0 and higher versions.

IVII 2 years ago

there is the lastest version on the snap store,not sure if it works but i am gonna try it

BigDel 2 years ago

this is SOO far behind the CURRENT version it's not even CLOSE to being funny... Why, for the LOVE OF DOG can the 'software manager' be updated more frequently?!??

FinixFighter 2 years ago

Best 3D animation software!

neptronix 3 years ago

Seems that the repo version is like a year old. Get it elsewhere. Other than that, Blender is awesome. But you knew that already, right?

Trachinus-Draco 3 years ago

Download Steam version. There's already a newer version of the software

name 4 years ago

Geniales Programm, !Zauberei!, ich muss dafür zwar noch viel lernen aber ich sehe welche Resultate andere damit erzielen.Es eignet sich vor allem gut zum "Modellieren" von 3D-Druck-Entwürfen (*.STL) die ehr "künstlerisch" sind und sich nicht oder schwer mit 3D-CAD-Software erstellen lassen.Kleiner Abzug in der "B-Note" Maus-Einstellungen.Ingenious program, ! Magic!, I still have a lot to learn for this, but I see what results others achieve with it. It is especially suitable for "modeling" 3D print designs (*. STL) which are very "artistic" and cannot be created or difficult with 3D CAD software. Small deduction in the "B-Note" mouse settings.

IP2I 4 years ago

Great software isnt gonna get any better then this for "free" although tuff for beginners it takes a little time getting use too but worth it.

Statik 4 years ago

Now that Blender is going to an LTS (Long Term Support) model, I would love to see the channel move to the 2.83.x release. The 2.82.x in the channel is still great and it supports most of the new features. Love me some Blender!