Title | Score |
Software | Score |
freecad "Outdated version as of November 19, 2024 (now at v1.0). -- (an other case where Flatpak/Flathub takes the cake. making the dependency for it one step bigger.)" |
2 |
gthumb "3.12.0 fails to do alpha-channel rendering correctly for RGBA WEPB images." |
3 |
io.podman_desktop.PodmanDesktop "Ain't that fun. Intended to get podman so I can try distrobox, so I can stay away from flatpak. And, of course, this (addition) is a flatpak package." |
2 |
nip2 "This perticular build can crash on using text painting, and might not display plot graphs." |
3 |
xviewer "Still not a fan. -- Ok'ich for just and only image viewing. -- Apart from Webp images that is. -- Yes, xviewer has Webp support, just not THIS, very outdated, 3.2.4 version. -- (makes one wonder what the point of the "Software Manager" really is)" |
2 |
krita "Why is this version still available! Its utterly outdated, and it will also never be updated due to the flatpak commerce." |
1 |
pinta "Utterly useless crap. It can't even draw single pixel lines in a normal way. " |
1 |
blender "Outdated, outdated, outdated. ... But than again, relying on volunteering thirst-parties to do this seems a flawed system. As such there will probably never be a LTS version (until it has become outdated) that is not relying on some alternative & additional installed semi-OS like Snap or FlatPak. (Total freedom always turns into total chaos)." |
2 |
wings3d "Great. There is some new W3D version (for some time now) ... but this particular Mint install is still stalled at some way older version. FlatPack install-case is of course updated, but I don't like to use that crap. And the available Linux install file on the W3D site for the newer version ... will of course not work. complaining, as usual, about something missing. (Yea, ain't Linux and/or Mint great ... If your a Linux/Programming geek that is.)" |
2 |
kmplot "Gui behavior is buggy / inconsistent / unclear in its behavior. Grid spacing settings don't seem to work at all. Help links go to some unavailable page. ... This one is definitely NOT properly build & tested with Mint (whatever version) in mind (Which seem a general Linux thing. And YES Linux is still a for Geeks by Geeks product)." |
1 |
gnome-calculator "Funny. Think I spotted a minor hiccup in this calculate. Looked to where it could be reported. Got redirected to a site where you (NOW) need to pay to have an account. ... Not sure how that's going to work for public-domain software. (And No!, I'm not going making a trial account for that, or for just about anything else for that matter.)" |
3 |
pitivi "Switched to kdenlive due to: 1) Latest Pitivi versions only comes as Flatpak app (I don't like Flatpak => Ergo: Not installing it on my system). 2) The alternative (non Flatpak) Pitivi version is way to ooold. 3) And that older version is just to unstable, and generally unwilling, to keep around. & (4) kdenlive is available as simple AppImage(no fuss, no mess, no need for Flatpak). [1 December 2022]" |
2 |
org.pitivi.Pitivi "Switched to kdenlive due to: 1) Latest Pitivi versions only comes as Flatpak app (I don't like Flatpak => Ergo: Not installing it on my system). 2) The alternative (non Flatpak) Pitivi version is way to ooold. 3) And that older version is just to unstable, and generally unwilling, to keep around. & (4) kdenlive is available as simple AppImage(no fuss, no mess, no need for Flatpak). [1 December 2022]" |
2 |
bless "Not sure when this changed to version "0.6.0-7" (would be nice if the LM Software Manager would support that). So far this version seems stable (now on LM 20.3). Time to unlink GHex as default Hex-tool(has some really quirky things)." |
4 |
qstat "Don't know what this is actually installing, or for that matter "what its suppose to install" as the used screenshot don't matches the text version. Either way typing "qstat" after installing will just give you the general "not found" result. And there is of course no related documentation to guide you after that. Ergo: Just one other useless entry in the linuxmint software collection." |
1 |
dhex "Useless (on Mint at least). Goes into some keyboard setup mode, asking to press some key, but no matter what key you press its just ignoring them. Starting with -k to activate manual keyboard setup mode ... just show the help. Right. If even basic stuff like that don't works correctly, its a waist of time to continue." |
1 |
wine "Mint 20 Cinnamon => Software manager => Install seems to go ok (a lot of disk rattling). But software-manager-launch will not do anything (not sure if it should though). No "wine" to be found in the Main-menu. Typed "wine" in console, and its shows it there. So just told wine to start some win.exe ... and it kinda finalized the install, before running that win.exe without problems. (its only because I needed wine to solve some problem I persisted, or else I would have probably also concluded the install had failed, and given up on it)" |
3 |
scite "The daddy of a lot of other editors. (to bad it seems to be infected with the potential of constant flickering text in mint 19)" |
4 |
ghex "Doing its job without complaining. --- Seems to lack ability to copy Hex-data strings (ie: limited to copying Ascii part strings only) --- (minor UI issue (vs screenshot). Hex and Ascii panes can be shown without any clear separation between them)" |
3 |