
Metapackage for cairo-dock
  20 reviews

Cairo-dock has a family-likeness with OS X dock, but with more options. It uses cairo to render nice graphics, and Glitz to use hardware acceleration. It's fully configurable and can be a taskbar too. You can easily plug applets into it.

This is metapackage that provides the components necessary for running Cairo-dock. This installs a cairo-dock-core application and cairo-dock-plugins package easily.

And Cairo-dock installs cairo-dock-core and plugins and makes sense as Cairo-dock.
Latest reviews
gordynorth 7 months ago

Can't install this dock after upgrading to Linux Mint 22 Cinnamon.Software manager is throwing a message about missing dependencies: The following packages have unmet dependencies: cairo-dock-impulse-plug-in: Depends: pulseaudio

xTeso89x 1 year ago

i like it. At first was a little cofusing to understand the options and set up the shortcuts, but late after several tries i had everything customized and working as i wanted. Maybe some more polishments are needed (performance, friendly interface, etc.) but in the actual state it's pretty useful and really achieves the goal of keeping the shorcuts and link at hand and organized. Go ahead, give a chance.

g6qwerty 1 year ago

Can't get it to open folders keeps saying the folders are empty or missing and couldn't find any help on how to fix that issue. using cinnimon 21.2

Colin_P 1 year ago

I have it loaded on both mint 19.3 and 21.* I installed it on the left and mint panel on the right. Both visible only on mouseover. It gives me a very clean desktop but is a bit tricky to modify. I keep a copy of its config file safe

Lionel_Bou 3 years ago

Just beautiful ! Works great on Linux Mint 20.2 Uma MATE edition.

dreamndi 4 years ago

Do not install it, if you don't want to spent a lot of time to configuring it. Or after uninstalling to manually deleting over 30 plugins, which do not uninstalling with applet itself.

shawon 4 years ago

NOT RECOMMENDED! It'll install loads of packages during installation, like any other normal app. But if you want remove it, it's practically impossible to remove all the packages (which were installed automatically with it) doesn't matter if you try to remove it from software manager or using apt remove. Also, even if you manage to uninstall every packages associated with it, you may end up uninstalling some previously installed packages, in my case, audacious.

Mirko0508 4 years ago

Attention! This Program has removed my Mint-Menu permanently on my Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon after Deinstallation. I wasn`t able to get it back and had to completely reinstall my system. Not recommend it with such behavior!

dimkiri 4 years ago

Just Install it on Linux mint mate environment and it Looks awsome and much better than Docky or Plank. I wonder why it is not included as base package instead any other Panel

_Josue_ 5 years ago

I love this dock, I use it as a hidden shortcut holder to keep my desktop clean of stuff, but it's so full of cool things and gimmicks... I use it on all my Linux machines.

Ephata 5 years ago

Ultra personnalisable!

julian1 6 years ago

It does not work with 4k monitors. On uninstall it leaves behind tons of plug-ins which must be uninstalled one-by-one.

CaptainKirksChair 6 years ago

This is GREAT dock software. Do not believe any of the negative comments. This dock is so much better than any of the others. I use the Alu theme and configure it so it has a Macintosh look and feel. (Like the look of the Mac, hate the macOS software.) Cairo Dock takes a little time to understand, but once you get it, configuration is easy. My recommendation is to have an idea of what you want before you install. Then choose a theme that best matches your idea and configure from there. The best part is, you can use any PNG image file for an icon. Just keep it to nothing more than 512x512 and you'll do fine.

rdlf4 6 years ago

Not good. Yes, there are tons of options if compared to the other, but those options change nothing! In other words, most applets for this thing do NOT WORK! Even the ones downloaded from their own website! HDDTemp? No, it doesn't work. Calendar? Nope. CPUtemp? no! Their own system menu is BROKEN! All you need to break it is click on it, type something so it will search and position itself off and remain that way until you either kill it or log in again. In other words, it's too damn easy to break this dock application, it's ridiculous. Not to mention the notification are is treated like a separate dock and that is not even configurable. Cairo-dock tries to impress you with its little tricks, but in the end you might notice it's just a bugfest masked as a dock application. I like Avant-Window-Navigator better, but until it's available to use on LM19, I'll look for something else.

ak666 6 years ago

Not bad. Yet a bit too complicated in configuring with mouse. Also I might br wrong, but I wasn't able to set up launcher icon to be an app icon when certain app is running. E.g. When I use launche to run an app anoher icon appers in dock. Wish it was more macos-like: most of all I lack the 'move icon to pin it' feature:) Thnx for the ffort anyways

warrior109 7 years ago

Чудова програма! Найкраща серед своїх аналогів на лінукс

marksule 7 years ago


sbroccolo 7 years ago

A million ways to configure it.

Aristotel 7 years ago

sometimes conflicts with the desktop widget - иногда конфликтует с виджетами рабочего стола

martini 8 years ago

It looks great and is very customizable