United Kingdom

85 Years old. replaced windows Vista OS on 4 year old laptop with Mint 12 Gnome way back plus cinnamon 1.4. Since then updated newer laptop and desktop. Now on version 21.3. Moving to Mint was the best computer decision I have made

Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"I have it loaded on both mint 19.3 and 21.* I installed it on the left and mint panel on the right. Both visible only on mouseover. It gives me a very clean desktop but is a bit tricky to modify. I keep a copy of its config file safe"
"I have been using scribus 1.4 for some while on my XP machine, but when I converted my Laptop to Mint 12 iat the beginning of March 2012 I loaded as a Linux App. I think that its great and make quite a lot of things for my wife's card making. I also use it to make PDF files to load onto my iPod. "