
graphical front-end for ClamAV
  20 reviews

ClamTk is a graphical front-end for Clam Antivirus.

It is designed to be an easy-to-use, lightweight, on-demand antivirus scanner for Linux systems.

Context menu support for KDE's Plasma Desktop (Dolphin file manager) and Nemo and Thunar sendto is included. Context menu support for GNOME (Nautilus file manager), but due to additional dependencies required, it is in a separate package: clamtk-gnome.
Latest reviews
SPK1031 5 months ago

The graphic user interface pictured above is out of date. The new GUI has more settings and tools, including a scheduler, and other settings such as to scan directories recursively (scans a lot more), use heuristic scanning, and get automatic updates to the antivirus signatures. (Two minor issues I have ran into are, 1. ClamTK notifies me when signatures are out of date but doesn't update signatures despite having autoupdate turned on, this is fixed by running "sudo freshclam" in the terminal. And 2, It picks up a lot of false positives eg PUA in LibreOffice. Which came as standard with the OS install on a verified ISO, so you sometimes have to look up and double check the result before deciding to quarantine, remove, or ignore the file.)

Peppermintstarman 7 months ago

It is/was a great program and the GUI interface is very helpful, though the developer is no longer maintaining it when I recently checked, according to their github page, since March 2024. They did a great job with this app, in my opinion. A fork of this program, which would ideally be available on the Linux Mint Software Manager, or new devs on this project is likely now needed, hopefully one of these or both happens soon. Either way, it is a good idea for a user to familiarize themself with using ClamAV in the terminal, as ClamTK is based on that anyway.

proulxf012 10 months ago

Hi. Works but I found this note today when I checked the gitlab site: Note: This program is no longer maintained. This was added on 20240402 so I do not know how serious this is. If true, clamtk is a dead program.

Kylemaul 1 year ago

Installed for mint cinnamon vera -- nothing like pictured app. not very reassuring.

Butch 2 years ago

I'll remove any doubts about this working. My very first scan I found the Exploit.CVE virus in the Mozilla folder on my Linux Mint machine. Firefox is gone, ClamTK is here to stay. Easy program to use. Love it!

KIMW 2 years ago

Simple. Working fine to scan a file or a directory.

Plopp 3 years ago

Yes, you have to scan files yourself... no "constant security sweeps" etc., which is perfectly fine for me. It seems to work (? no idea, actually) and this GUI extension is actually comfortable and stable. Good job, thank you :)

bajosega 3 years ago

Muy bien Esta interface si que funciona !! . aunque la imagen de aqui no es representativa.

norse 3 years ago

Does not schedule, does not update, does not scan, I don't know what it actually does.

Elder2000 5 years ago

Excelente antivirus para analizar unidades, pero no tiene scan en tiempo real o para seleccionar la memoria del sistema, ideal para buscar malware en los archivos cuando otras soluciones no funcionan o el pc anda mal, como opcion de respaldo. Muy buen antivirus, desactivar la opcion de pup (potentially unwanted program, programas no deseados), para evitar demasiados falsos positivos, como activar las otras opciones para un mejor analisis. El analisis lleva mucho tiempo, pero se obtiene buenos resultados.Obten la ultima version /6.02/, bajandote el paquete de instalacion para Debian/Ubuntu desde la pagina web, link *get the last version here*

mf675913 5 years ago

I have only been using ClamTK for about a month. Seems to be working fine. Current version as of 11/09/2019 is Version 6.02 dated 20190919. GUI frontend has changed, too.

rawaniajay 5 years ago

Good Virus Scanner for peace of mind!

phil995511 5 years ago

Good software

TrumblebumSky 6 years ago

The version available through the command line install interface is ClamTk 5.20" - the version through this softwre installation manager is 5.20-1. The AV manager is clunky but effective enough. The developer (Dave M and Tor D) maintain a github page where more recent versions (such as 5.25) reside but it seems that the main development system died and there is no ongoing work on the system as of May 2018.

alex233376 7 years ago

Не смог найти ярлык в меню после установки

Knezev87 7 years ago

Ne znam koliko je bitan za Linux, ali radi odlično

pcfan5 7 years ago

for the latest version go

Comptech22 7 years ago

Go to the official website and dload the latest for best results.

Anonymous337 7 years ago

Impossible de mettre à jour !!

eyuri2014 7 years ago

installed yesterday, as far everything works fine, wish to be more interactive with more info about updates version and date.