
Code::Blocks integrated development environment (IDE)
  20 reviews

Code::Blocks is a cross-platform Integrated Development Environment (IDE). It is based on a self-developed plugin framework allowing unlimited extensibility. Most of its functionality is already provided by plugins. Plugins included in the base package are: * Compiler frontend to many free compilers * Debugger frontend for GDB * Source formatter (based on AStyle) * Wizard to create new C++ classes * Code-completion / symbols-browser (work in progress) * Default MIME handler * Wizard to create new Code::Blocks plugins * To-do list * Extensible wizard based on scripts * Autosave (saves your work in the unfortunate case of a crash)
Latest reviews
Ahrkahrg 1 year ago

I am very pleased of Code::Blocks but the I have a version that is unreliable. I noticed a big bug in the package is 2022-12-27, 22:00:27 with gcc12.2.0 svn 13046: the editor is copy/pasting changes a little bit everywhere in the editor causing havoc in the code as it will not compile without errors.

piggy1970 2 years ago

It seems everything is OK.

Engerek666 2 years ago

It is sad to see Codeblocks, once a pinnacle of IDEs, turn into this, because of the developer teams arrogance and constant hatred for any feedback they don't like. And now the IDE is dramatically flawed, with tons of crashes, bugs and serious logical errors rendering it practically useless.

AtoshDustosh 4 years ago

Wonderful if not for occasional crash.

rromano001 5 years ago

Code::Block user for a long time. DON'T try install latest version (flatpack/flathub) before it is supported native. FP version screw up my code, also broken stable version. Wait till supported or unscrew system from great mess turn in a nightmare also for expert. Try fix before upgrade: CodeBlock is great also on older version. I use on many platform, native on raspberry, desktop Linux (winzz in the far past).

IMIM 5 years ago

Easy to install, works! Had no problem 4 now..but, hey problems are here to solve.. ;)

promotomorp 5 years ago

Good, light IDE for occasional programming. Unfortunately it seems to crash randomly with larger projects and depends on the contrib plugins to really shine.

tp0x45 6 years ago

Not the latest version. Crashes sometimes. A great IDE for C/C++!

Mint-Account 6 years ago

What would i do without it? I love it. Though, i have some random crashes but luckily not very often. Saving often saves the work :)

driver76 6 years ago

Great for C coding.

threlo 6 years ago

It would be excellent if it didn't crash randomly.

Tanmoy_Datta 6 years ago

In linux mint 19 this version of codeblocks have some serious issue. shorcut key F2 and Shift+F2 is not working every time. Some time unexpected crush ocuuring. Please fix this issue as soon as possible.

fizvlad 7 years ago

Really good IDE but keep crashing on auto-conplete. Also it seems to be old version

Zellno 7 years ago


Castor_1992 7 years ago

runs c programs fine, love it!

CrimzicZ 8 years ago

It runs C programs. I was hoping it could run Python too, but unfortunatly it doesn't. Not a huge fan of it. If it did run Python I would be all over this IDE!

Erased 8 years ago

I love cross platform tools

optimuspnj 8 years ago


JeZxLee 8 years ago

The absolute best C++ IDE for Linux Mint 18 MATE 64Bit...

shubham48648 9 years ago

Must have for c c++ programmers.