
Messaging, voice and video client
  20 reviews

Discord is a free all in one messaging, voice, and video client thats available on your computer and phone.

Whether you’re part of a school club, gaming group, worldwide art community, or just a handful of friends that want to spend time together, Discord makes it easy to talk every day and hang out more often.

  • Talk to your friends with messaging, voice, and video in a "Direct Message" (1 other person), group chat (up to 10 people), or a multi-channel server (practically infinite maximum members).
  • Discord servers are organized into topic-based channels where you can collaborate, share, and just talk about your day without clogging up a group chat.
  • Grab a seat in a voice channel when you’re free. Friends in your server can see you’re around and instantly pop in to talk without having to call.
  • Get a community of any size running with moderation tools and custom member access. Give members special powers, set up private channels, and more.
  • Low-latency voice and video feels like you’re in the same room. Wave hello over video, watch friends stream their games, or gather up and have a drawing session with screen share.
  • Available on Linux, macOS, Windows, iOS, Android, and your web browser.

Discord is written in Javascript, React, Elixir, and Rust. The desktop application uses the electron framework.

The flatpak version runs in a sandbox to provide better safety and privacy for users. However, this sandboxing prevents the following features from working out of the box: Game Activity, Unrestricted File Access, Rich Presence. Check the README in the Github repo for details.

Latest reviews
TheKittyKat 4 days ago

Besides the title box at the top, it just works, really.

Rosiaczek 2 months ago

Works out of the box, didn't exprience any issues.

Menthalambd 3 months ago

Discord has become an ubiquitous platform for gaming communities, developers and others alike. If you want to join them, you need it. And it's pretty good too! The Flatpak is the right choice for something like Discord. No need accessing anything else, since everything is online on their servers anyway.

HADORI 6 months ago

nice. my name in Discord is

kayra 8 months ago

Doesn't care about OS theming but worse is the cursor size is super tiny. No amount of magic spell casting console commands that sets XCURSOR_SIZE or adds icon/theme directories into --filesystem seems to be working. This is the only flatpak I'm having issues with.

bumpsee 9 months ago

surprisingly, it worked out of the box for me. Basically the same experience as on Windows (so far)

rodionflowey 10 months ago

It's fun to call, not so much to chat. A lot of normal features have been moved to the pay-as-you-go. The support is there purely for a tick. If they ban you (and they don't need arguments, they will ban you), they won't unban you.

Firebrand 10 months ago

There were some issues in the past, now it works flawlessly for me. Changing my review to 5 stars.

Darkcryze13 10 months ago

It works very well, the advantage over the version that is downloaded from the official website is that it updates itself and does not have to be reinstalled with each update. Funciona muy bien, la ventaja sobre la versión que se descarga desde la página oficial es que esta se actualiza por si solo y no hay que reinstalar en cada actualización.

jadeia 1 year ago

This is a great flatpak version of the actual app, and you wouldn't know the difference. Superbly smooth and feature packed.

Evelynn_Blessing 1 year ago

Good stuff, didn't had any issue

BlueSteel 1 year ago

It works well, though if you care about sharing your activity status with friends or servers, this version doesn't see your games since it is sandboxed. File size is only large if this happens to be your first flatpak you download; it has to get all of the other files needed for flatpaks, not just Discord.

Linux-Scratcher 1 year ago

Discord est de loin le meilleur outils internet de communication ! L'abonnement nitro est parfait :D

happycoconut 1 year ago

There is NO reason this program should be anywhere near 1 GB to download. Also, it always shows that it's running as "superuser" because I chose the MATE desktop environment. It's a bug that has yet to be fixed. The flatpak seemed to work fine but I chose to uninstall the ginormous flatpak and install the deb file which was only 92.5 megabytes. sheesh. It's working fine.

lucasc 1 year ago

Everything works perfectly except for the audio when screen sharing.

joao-gs 1 year ago

prefiro fortemente o discord em .deb, seria interessante vocês colocar isso na loja

robinechuca 2 years ago

Apart from the features it offers, nothing is right! This package is not modular and takes a lot of space to install. It is extremely buggy on many things: There are huge memory leaks - It uses a lot of cpu even in standby mode - It does not see all the folders in the file system - Audio and video codecs for multimedia communication are of terrible quality - He frequently plants. In short, it is a software coded much too fast, and therefore fatally badly coded.

Praefectus 2 years ago

Works good but stops working on voice chats.

MamaQuackers 2 years ago

It just works really well

Cyndekai 2 years ago
