Title | Score |
Software | Score |
lilypond "it installs nothing! Probably malware that found its way into this unmoderated mess of a software manager! Don't install" |
1 |
texlive-full "basically bricked my update manager. And I DID do the terminal install as Mrunibro suggested. There is no excuse to still have this up in this store" |
1 |
xreader "since recently, it ALWAYS starts a pdf in presentation mode (fullscreen, not windowed, black background). The preferences to change anything are basically non-existent. This makes me just want to use firefox to view pdfs" |
2 |
sweethome3d "consistently crashes after 10-20 seconds or so" |
1 |
com.ktechpit.whatsie "this is literally bloat ware and should not be offerend in the Software Manager. It stopped synching messages for no reason (couldn't receive or send anything), and used 30% of my Ryzen 7 7700x CPU (and it's not going down after uninstalling). QA for the Software Manager seems to be at a minimum these days..." |
1 |
com.discordapp.Discord "surprisingly, it worked out of the box for me. Basically the same experience as on Windows (so far)" |
5 |
net.lutris.Lutris "impossible to paste credentials from KeePassXC into a login-window from Lutris. This has been a known issue for over 5 years, marked as solved in GitHub. But it's still broken. If devs treat their users like this, users should maybe stay away from their software" |
1 |
timeshift "simply doesn't open. Linux devs really seem to have a hard time with providing reliable GUIs... probably have some elitist justification as well" |
1 |
kate "Horribly ugly with a dark theme. Basically as everyone here says, there seems to be no native way to fix that. Kate provides a "Color Scheme"-setting that does absolutely nothing. Icons appear to be unchangeable. This is literally unusable if you don't already know your way around the app blindly. I doubt this is still getting support, as the appearance would be on top of any developer's priority list." |
1 |
conky-all "absolute hassle to set up. Documentation is partially wrong and incomplete. Maybe it's the kernel v6 that's messing things up but I cannot even choose a new config file. Conky opens, but is absolutely NOT configurable and userfriendlyness is nowhere to be found." |
1 |
com.obsproject.Studio "crashed on the second recording attempt. Known issue, too, but apparently too minor to fix." |
1 |