
address updating utility for dynamic DNS services
  4 reviews

This package provides a client to update dynamic IP addresses with several dynamic DNS service providers, such as DynDNS.com.

This makes it possible to use a fixed hostname (such as myhost.dyndns.org) to access a machine with a dynamic IP address.

This client supports both dynamic and (near) static services, as well as MX record and alternative name management. It caches the address, and only attempts the update when it has changed.
Latest reviews
smoke007 1 week ago

This version is very old, needs to be updated, and won't work with OpenDNS. Go install v4.0.0 if you're trying to update your IP for OpenDNS. The documented configs online will work perfect with that version.

TrumblebumSky 7 years ago

reinstalled, trying to find configuration scripts

wabbott81 10 years ago

Just set it up for NameCheap on Linux Mint 17. Worked great.

stevewood007 11 years ago

It might be ok, but I could use it. It is broken for LM15. Needs libdigest-sha1-perl, which was is no longer in the Ubuntu repository: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libdigest-sha1-perl/+bug/993648