
font management application for the GNOME desktop
  20 reviews

Font Manager is intended to provide a way for average users to easily manage desktop fonts, without having to resort to command line tools or editing configuration files by hand. While designed primarily with the GNOME Desktop Environment in mind, it should work well with other Gtk+ desktop environments.
Latest reviews
Endriux 4 months ago

Dunno how it works, since the fonts I disable are still in /usr/share/fonts, but they're not available anymore in my applications. It does the job in LM 22.

frakier 1 year ago

Works well enough for what it is... should have a proper name not just "font manager" though because looking up any help onlline is near impossiable. Needs a option to install fonts for all users as well. Fonts that have an apostrophe in the name that is embedded in the font can be a problem, cannot disable them, filed a issue with the creators page on github. Suspect it is a case of the font author using the apostrophe when they should not have though and not the the fault of the software.

toomyg155 2 years ago

Works great and should be default font manager for LM 20.3 BUT disabling a font don't work it still shows in list but other then that it works great1

GZoltan 2 years ago

Mit kerestem? Egy intuitív GUI-t amivel menedzselhetem a betűtípusokat és törölhetem a duplikáltakat. Mit kaptam? Egy programot ami megadta a font-ok elérési útját hogy manuálisan töröljem őket. Még mindíg nem tudtam megfejteni mit csinál a programban ha kipipálok egy tételt...

tzc22 3 years ago

我用linux mint 20.2,进行了中文相关的设置。在软件管理器里安装“字体管理器”(0.8.7,社区页面上显示软件名是“org.gnome.FontManager ”)后,界面是英文的,安装这个(软件管理器里显示的软件名是“FontManager”,0.7.7-0.3)后,界面是中文的。重要的是可以直接将windows中的fonts文件夹拖到“preferences”的“Sources”中以添加新的字体源。Ubuntu Kylin里自带了这个软件,我在那里用过这个功能。

beitme 3 years ago

Doesn't work well

anilkumarav 4 years ago

I was searching for a program to install the windows fonts to my Linux system all at once and this program helped me to install all of them at once. I have dual boot, navigated to the windows font folder and installed all the fonts using this application. Thanks for great help.

Carbolemons 5 years ago

Absolutely frustrating to use. All I want to do, is COPY my LOCAL USER fonts TO THE SYSTEM. Why is selecting and dragging even a feature if it does absolutely nothing? When I go to drag the fonts, the entire left panel dissapears. When I move to catagories holding it, and drop it in system. Nothing happens.

ttrkc 5 years ago

This is the best I can find to manage the fonts, but I dont like it. When it refresh its data (searching the font installed on the PC), the PC works hardly. Some years ago, I use The Font Thing (Fisher) on Windows. This program was easily to navigate, install, create collections, export, the fonts.

kbainas 5 years ago

Using Linux Mint 19.2 Cinnamon Edition and it works great ! You can install a lot of fonts at the same time and it ignores the allready installed ones.4 of 5 stars becouse the waterfall from the Font manager doesn't work.

ctfolmar 7 years ago

Works great. Made it easy to install fonts from a VERY old font cd.

Caltrop 7 years ago

symbols show as text, not much use

illektrikjrny 8 years ago

One of the first programs I get upon a fresh install! Definitely essential if you're a font collector :)

WhitePhoenix 9 years ago

It could be better. The terminology is terrible. I thought System was referring to either the default fonts that came with the OS or fonts required by the System. It would be useful to know what I can copy but not remove. I still don’t understand what the list in the main window is actually showing me. In order to see what fonts are actually installed, I have to go to Remove which is the only place that shows that. All in all this is a very useful utility, but with unrealized potential.

Rebel450 9 years ago

A must have, if you use your computer in a serious way.

kiama-mint 9 years ago

so goods

JCH2 10 years ago

A better font previewer than the default but convoluted, obtuse, and poorly documented. And fonts installed through it do not show up in all other applications like those installed through FontMatrix.

jeeger11 10 years ago

Very efficient. Added & disabled fonts easily after a little trial & error...

alfonsol 10 years ago

Muy útil y práctica. Una aplicación básica

lab_prom 11 years ago

Very usefull program. I am copy fonts from windows, but " fc-cache -f -v" not affect them.Font manager solved the problem!