
image viewer using GTK+
  20 reviews

Geeqie is a browser for graphics files offering single click viewing of your graphics files. It includes thumbnail view, zoom, filtering features and external editor support.
Latest reviews
sandwichbay 7 months ago

Junk! Irfanview and ACDC both kick it's butt. I shouldn't need a Computer Sciences degree to use a program. We're still making things far more complicated than necessary and less documented than they need to be. This is still one area where MS software is ahead of us and it needs to change.

daominah 1 year ago

amazing fast

Perette 2 years ago

This is an amazingly utilitarian image viewer. It's fast, straightforward, reliable, and common actions are a single keystrone. You can add your own menu options (the app calls them "plug-ins") to open images in other applications, apply shell scripts, etc.

Eugo 3 years ago

I was using AcdSee on the windowses since 1998 or so, and it always did it for me. Simple and powerful. After finally switching to Linux, I was looking for something like that, and Geeqie was it - the three panel display, simple zooming, simple switch to fullscreen and back, simple file operation (copy-move-symlink). A few small things, however, bug me. I often need to have the full path of the current image on the clipboard, to paste in a different app (a situation where drag'n'drop doesn't work). There are two plugins for this, and neither works, the clipboard remains untouched. Creating my own plugin also doesn't work, citing some exotic errors - why does it have to be in .desktop files, can't it be any executable? Another minor thing is that when an image is rotated, it writes the rotation info in, it seems, wrong fields in EXIF - so half of other software accepts the change and displays the rotated image correctly, half doesn't. The eog (Eye of Gnome) doesn't have this problem (but has others).

ozeroc 4 years ago

This is my go-to image viewer. Now it displays animated GIFs so it's even better! I don't know if it's good for orgaizing images or anything but it works great for one handed operation.

ilvenini 5 years ago

I've been looking for some time for a tool to read SRW file (RAW files from Samsung NX Cameras) and this works beautifully fast. Nice!

dxtrek 6 years ago

Best viewer. Fast, keep zoom between images. El mejor visor. Es rápido, mantiene el zoom al pasar de una imagen a otra. Además permite borrar y abrir Gimp para editar.

Anotheroneuser 8 years ago

Отличная программа. Конечно, не Gwenview, но очень неплоха. Практически полный комплекс операций с фотографиями и удобное управление. Немного не хватает операции "отправить почтой", но, может, потом появится. Спасибо разработчикам!

mythgyver 9 years ago

works like a charm. I was looking for something to display a random slideshow.

adamyouing 10 years ago

just cool viewer

netasceta 11 years ago

Procesa RAW+JPG como una sola unidad, lo que resulta ideal para fotógrafos que quieren hacer un primer visionado de sus tarjetas.

Korpu 11 years ago

Not good as thumbnail viewer and sorter: you can't see thumbs all at once. Always 3-pane view, you can reassign what will be shown, but you can't make simple 2 pane view: directory tree on the left and all thumbs on the right. Back to GwenView.

Qruqs 11 years ago

Very nice indeed. [upd] Great duplicate finder! Lacks strength in navigation and stability.

fotonix 11 years ago

Nice, quick, simple. Worth a look as it may work for you. Update [Mar 2013]: removed it as it got in my way.

rotundifolia 11 years ago

Fast, simple to use... recommended

iDork 12 years ago

so far the best and simplest image viewer. fast and customizable!

maideii 12 years ago

The best ever used. No wait in loading raw file and super lightweight viewer

petexr 12 years ago

Refreshingly simple and fast image viewer

ulysses 12 years ago

three positionable windows, the way I like it

sw4dma 12 years ago

display cr2 correctly (canon 550 raw-files)