
genealogy software with web interface
  5 reviews

Geneweb allows keeping track of ancestral data. It is a powerful system for maintaining a set of data about your family history. It supports much of the GEDCOM tag system for data storage, and can be used either as your primary system for archiving genealogical data, or as a web service (through a CGI interface) for publishing your data for others to use.
Latest reviews
nibbles0522 7 years ago

I managed to get it working, but it is not intuitive at all. You have to refer to the manual. It is a web based application and you start it in your browser with "Localhost:2316" to run gwsetup where you can start a new database or import an existing one. After that, you use "localhost 2317" to maintain it. There is a readme file in usr/share/geneweb/doc which may help you get started. It did me!

philsdutchie 9 years ago

Installed geneweb on mint 7.2xfce but cant find the command and the terminal says also command not found. How to proceed?

cathal57 10 years ago

Been using this since day one. Only genealogy program like it for linux.

jcoles 10 years ago

No visible functionality installed. Used Synaptic to install gwsetep, but that program doesn't do anything, either. How do I import my GEDCOM file? It is completely unclear how to proceed. Even the website explains nothing!

inksi 11 years ago

minimal help available except through yahoo group. when up and running and sorted, this is a good alternative to other genealogy programmes infected with creeping featurism. nice web interface.