Title | Score |
Software | Score |
blueman "ttp://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/blueman for LM17+ not available. and PPA:cschramm/blueman not for trusty. How to go on. My bluetooth headphone is recognised, paired. Message is device added but failed to connect. How to go on. I am disappointed " |
2 |
mintbackup "Hangs forever on calculating checksum. Such a shame because the backup program is really essential. Developer please take effort to let it work good " |
1 |
smtube "Doesnt work Repository needs to be updated" |
1 |
minitube "Doesnt work Repository needs to be updated" |
1 |
nemo "Nice file manager, but why o why there is no send to option" |
2 |
geneweb "Installed geneweb on mint 7.2xfce but cant find the command and the terminal says also command not found. How to proceed?" |
1 |
gramps "Great software but Mint repo has old version. The windows opened by tools gives only one line unreadable text and cant be stretched" |
3 |