This calculator uses commas in place of decimals and decimals in place of commas. Except in the answer area, where it appears to use only decimals?
I was too stupid to realize it had advanced and programming modes. I needed more features. I'd been looking for external packages when I found "Gnome Calculator". Comes pre-installed on Mint and does everything I want.
He is really smart! It's a pleasure to work with him! Warning: After using this calculator, you will hate other calculators because they are uncomfortable!
Daha toplama yapılamayan hesap makinesini yapan arkadaşlara teşekkür ediyorum.
Funny. Think I spotted a minor hiccup in this calculate. Looked to where it could be reported. Got redirected to a site where you (NOW) need to pay to have an account. ... Not sure how that's going to work for public-domain software. (And No!, I'm not going making a trial account for that, or for just about anything else for that matter.)
Жаль, что не переводит между системами счисления, как KCalc или штатный в старой Wind'е (новой не пользуюсь) - из шестнадцатиричной в двоичную и т.д..
I had bad output from it... try 280000000 x 0.005% = and it gives unreliable result. I had to use my android with google on it to calculate properly.