
spreadsheet application for GNOME - main program
  20 reviews

Gnumeric is a spreadsheet application that interoperates well with other spreadsheets. It comes with plugins that enable it to deal with commonly used spreadsheet file formats.

The following formats can be imported and exported: - Microsoft Excel 97/2000/XP (.xls); - Microsoft Excel 95 (.xls); - OASIS XML, XML, StarOffice (.sxc); - Comma/Character Separated Values (.csv); - Data Interchange Format (.dif); - Applix version 4 (.as).

Additionally, the following formats can be imported: - GNU Oleo (.oleo); - Linear and integer program expression format (.mps); - Lotus 1-2-3 (.wks, .wk1); - MS MultiPlan SYLK (.sylk); - WordPerfect family "Plan Perfect" (.pln); - Quattro Pro (tm); - XSpread or SC; - XBase (.dbf).

Gnumeric can export to LaTeX 2e (.tex), TROFF (.me) and HTML as well.

Gnumeric should be easy to use, in particular for users familiar with Excel.

Gnumeric is a GNOME application. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is a user-friendly set of applications and desktop tools to be used in conjunction with a window manager for the X Window System.
Latest reviews
olafthelofty 1 year ago

I like lightweight easy to use kit like this and for my use case it's more than enough where I need something in a small window as a kind of scratchpad and use LO for the rest but can't use it for this as for some reason the column and row labels are huge and I can't find a way to change it in the settings so back to LO for eveything which is an OK but not ideal solution.

rahul 5 years ago

An awesome, lightweight app. Most of my work is very simple, requires saving as .csv files though. To do so go to Data -> Export data -> Export as .csv file. Goodbye heavy ass Libreoffice.

Linux_User 6 years ago

Macht was es soll, für einfache Tabellenkalkulation ausreichend. Interface könnte schön gestaltet sein, ist aber bekanntlich Geschmackssache.

inksi 6 years ago

great support too

alcoban 7 years ago


zboraon 8 years ago

Very good

blackwellm 8 years ago

If you're using database lookups and more complex summaries, then choose libreoffice. I found gnumeric very quick and good at the basics.

lack_of_simmetry 9 years ago

The best spreadsheet program around.

themole 10 years ago

1.12.9 working well. I have abandoned LO for Gnumeric and Abiword!

Maurice045 10 years ago

Not Usable - No Accessibility Options

gerard_bekking 11 years ago

fast and beter compatible to old excel-files than the microsoft version

flebber 11 years ago

Supports fos rmulas from MS Excel that others don't. The best spreadsheet program.

VladAcidRaven 12 years ago

muy bueno lo recomiendo

rupsyco 12 years ago

Used it since long, love it's graphing capabilities, best among all... and free software too :)

mariusgabian 12 years ago

Great spreadsheet program with very active community! However the version in Linux Mint repos has to be updated (1.12 is available!)

Yota 12 years ago

much faster and more stable than libreoffice, great!

-JD- 13 years ago

Much Faster than OpenOffice/LibreOffice!

kneekoo 13 years ago

This is not as featured as LibreOffice but it takes a fraction of disk space and it onyl needs few resources to function properly. Defenitely a good choice for anyone who doesn't need every tiny feature in more developed Office suites.

nattyb 13 years ago

I like gnumeric. It is bright and easy to view for my aging eyes and I like the Help interface.

Anleoje 13 years ago

It's good, but LibreOffice is better :P