Warning: DO NOT INSTALL. Sucks as a program for a thousand reasons, has unscaled UI, hijacks "open-with" menus, refuses to close its process, hangs the system, and if you try uninstalling it, it takes a bunch of unrelated stuff with it, such as: playonlinux, shutter, and a ton of libraries. CAREFULLY READ the packages that are being uninstalled before proceeding. Please remove this from the repositories, it damages people's systems
It used to work great. Now on LM 20.1 cinnamon, let's say I try to convert *.png *.pdf, I get the following error message: attempt to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy `PDF' @ error/constitute.c/IsCoderAuthorized/408. Found the patch: https://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/imagemagick. Works great now. Great app! Thank you a million!
Junk, locks up, Refuses to reopen function boxes once closed, Forced to restart computer to close picture window when some settings are used. This terrible software should be removed for this list it is a liability.
Took over as default pdf viewer, I can't disable it, and when I want to uninstall it wants to take a bunch of my drivers and important stuff with it. Not a fan!
A little bit weird oldschool interface. Why it rotates my mouse cursor pointer? =)
Das ist das Schlechteste, was es wohl im Bereich Grafik gibt: Animierte Gifs z.B. funktionieren gar nicht. Die Handhabung ist ebenfalls haarsträubend. Deinstallation geht nicht, weil dann auch PlayonLinux wegfällt. Wahrscheinlich sind die Macken die PlayonLinux hat auch auf dieser Basis.
The perfect tool for all my image processing jobs. The best feature is to batch process numerical data to graphics and plots!
This is so bad, also why the hell, if I remove it, it will remove Play on Linux and Calibre??? No sense.
I use this to resize jpegs for thumbnails to go on my website. I use the CLI so can't speak for the GUI but what I use is simple and just works.
Aunque la interfaz gráfica sea poco atractiva, las virtudes de Imagemagick están en el uso que puedes hacer de él desde la consola: conversión de tipos de archivos de imágenes, generación de miniaturas, escalados, añadir texto, generar gifs animados, entre otras cosas. Todo ello con comandos como convert, animate, mogrify, etc. Vale la pena.
La GUI o interfaz gráfica es mala, mal manejo y poco intuitivo. No traducido al español.
I have discovered only 0.005% of what this can do and I am already very impressed. It now underpins some scripts I wrote to do jobs like creating thumbnails or translate between formats. Works flawlessly.
Nem értem, hogy miért kell beépíteni a telepítésbe. Nehézkes vacak. Gimp és XnView páros mellett esélye sincs.