
An Open Source YouTube app for privacy
  20 reviews

FreeTube is an open source desktop YouTube player built with privacy in mind. Use YouTube without advertisements and prevent Google from tracking you with their cookies and JavaScript. Available for Windows, Mac & Linux thanks to Electron.

Please note that FreeTube is currently in Beta. While it should work well for most users, there are still bugs and missing features that need to be addressed.

Latest reviews
gwflmhr 4 weeks ago

It's much more than just ad blocker - it allows to follow your favorite channels and much more. As with NewPipe on Android you always need a fresh version!

FreeFallFox 1 month ago

Good stuff. I had a user in dual boot with win10 who didn't want to switch only because they needed youtube, and the problem was in logging into account 'cause they forgot the password and there's all that hussle, you know? This made them finally switch, life-saving app

ttyl440 2 months ago

Really cool, has excellent features.

Dragonbolt 4 months ago

It works and I like it

S4NKKK0 5 months ago

It's good, but the sound in the videos on it is kind of corrupted. When I open video on the youtube site, the sound there is normal but when I open up the same video in FreeTube, sound gets much worse, like if it has some static or something like that. If that will be resolved, app will be perfect

MrBlueGuy 6 months ago

Absolutely love it! It is a must have on all my systems, especially my "media" PC. On my very old laptop watching YouTube through the web makes the fans go crazy, but with FreeTube everything is solid! Many thanks!

Twinsonian 9 months ago

This software is a need in our home. Especially with the options for parental control and subscription management without having to log in to a youtube accont, it is just fantastic. The downloads can be a little wonky, but the actual software for watching youtube over the terrible website is fantastic.

Evelynn_Blessing 1 year ago

Using the dev version, eliminate the annoying stop using adblock messages from YT.

jsmac 1 year ago

It does what it promises: enables you to use YouTube without ads. I can also add videos to favorites, save and download videos, etc. All without signing in. How much more privacy it gives you vs. going to the YouTube website is up for debate. But it works better than the YT website with my slow internet connection.

cj76 1 year ago

Can't Complain! When browsing there dosn't appear to be as much content as on Youtube but everything is there on FreeTube aswell. EG: I do a google video search on a cirtain topic whatever, then when I find a video I like, I copy then paste it into Freetube and they always shown up! (For me so far) Here's a tip: The system installer is HUGE so get FreeTube installer from their homepage, it's tiny by comparison.

RNMcLean 1 year ago

As per Cross_Dresser_Mary, "Flatpak" does seem better named "Bloatpak" thanks to the protocol including all manner of support software along with the desired item. I'm not at all expert with GNU/Linux Mint, but via I find for "Ubuntu/Debian" (from which "Mint" is derived) the instructions: export VER="0.19.1" ^^^ wget${VER}-beta/FreeTube_${VER}_amd64.deb ^^^ sudo apt install -f ./FreeTube_${VER}_amd64.deb ^^^ where I have introduced ^^^ to mark line splits. Enter these lines one-by-one into a command-line window, and just 65MB will be downloaded instead of 1,000MB. (As I am on what amounts to a metered internet connection, this makes quite a difference) This results in a "FreeTube" icon in the start menu, and the prog. starts - I have yet to test further. To ascertain the latest version number codes, check for the Download FreeTube Release statement.

Cross_Dresser_Mary 1 year ago

I tried installing it and it managed to crash the software installer. That's OK though. I had not realised it was such a mass of bloatware. Almost a gigabyte to download and over three to install. I won't be making another attempt.

GumVonSchweetz 1 year ago

I love it!

adhocprompterhoc 2 years ago

Working for me on Linux Mint 21.1. To add videos to playlist, look for a star in top right corner; hover over star, it offers to save; when saved, it automatically goes into your playlist.

ratatosk1985 2 years ago

In the linux mint package only version 16.0 , on the hp from freetube you can get the new 18.0 version. I miss the option to add a playlist.

explorer79 2 years ago

Der beste YouTube Player, mit dem man Kanälen folgen kann, ohne ein Account bei YouTube verwenden zu müssen. Somit liefert man keine personalisierten Daten an YouTube. Der Player wird von Version zu Version besser. Allerdings nutze ich das DEB Paket direkt von der Website. Das ist nicht so groß wie das Flatpak. Wenn YouTube etwas verändert, kann es temporär passieren, dass der Player nicht funktioniert. Aber das wird in der Regel innerhalb weniger Tage mit einer neuen Version behoben.

VanquisherSenya 2 years ago


GKSeifert 2 years ago

I like it, but I can not find any way to use favorites, subscriptions lists or playlists. It says click on something in the corner of the video, but I can't find anything there. I know it is a beta, but it should not pretend that there are functions that are not really there.

Ratologist 2 years ago

Freetube is the best way to watch Youtube videos without being tracked by Google. However, it still lacks some features like having multiple playlists and other minor conveniences. It's getting better with every update, so the app's improvement over time is slow and steady.

Carjelo 3 years ago

works well enough for me on mint 20 cinnamon