
Logging program for Amateur Radio Operators
  6 reviews

Latest reviews
Scover 1 year ago

Great app! However since version 4.7.0 it crashes on launch, rendering the app unusable. "UncaughtException: WebCord threw 'Error'" with the message "Error while decrypting the cyphertext provided to safeStorage.decryptString". I can either abort or ignore the error. Choosing to ignore doesn't make the app start, the webcord process just idles.

Vertical 1 year ago

It feels nice to use Discord knowing it's more secure & safe now. It basically works like normal Discord with few more features as explained on their Github homepage.

Catoflado 1 year ago

Além de ser uma alternativa com mais privacidade do que o aplicativo original do discord, ele ainda é mais leve. Muito mais leve. Parabéns aos desenvolvedores.

bighugemister 1 year ago

If anyone's been looking how to disable type indicator in Discord (that is, «John Doe is typing...»), that is the feature provided by WebCord. But keep in mind that it only involves you: you will still see others typing, others won't see YOU typing. I love WebCord!

Shadowstreik 1 year ago

The latest release, 4.2.0, resolves the system tray icon having not been present. It has returned. Much happy.

twitom26 2 years ago

Discord's servers aren't open source at all, and Discord as a platform is absolutely terrible. So your conversations aren't secure nor private. But, If you're like me and have tons of friends who only use Discord and you care about what apps are running on your system, this is an amazing FOSS client with tons of security and privacy settings. So you can choose what you don't want being sent to Discord. It's especially nice if you want every app on your system to be FOSS for privacy or security concerns. Just be mindful that what you send to their server is in Discord's hands, which are known to be privacy invasive and again, their servers are completely closed source. But it's nice to have a client like this, so I'm not forced to use their native spyware client, which records and logs every app you're running and who knows what else.