
Distraction-free text editor for Markdown
  7 reviews

ghostwriter is a distraction-free text editor for Markdown featuring a live HTML preview as you type, theme creation, focus mode, fullscreen mode, live word count, and document navigation in an aesthetic writing environment. It comes with the cmark-gfm Markdown processor built in, and can integrate with Pandoc, MultiMarkdown, Discount, and cmark processors if they are installed.

Latest reviews
goebbe 8 months ago

Ghostwriter can be an excellent writing tool! It can easily made distraction free and really helps you to focus on your text. Highly recommended for writing text.

barryedmiston 1 year ago

Nothing intuitive about it. The interface is completely distracting. Nice hype on their home page though.

SebastJava 2 years ago

«Distraction-free», yes, but not missing any feature. There is everything you need. And it looks nice. And it is intuitive. I started using it without reading any user manual.

rikerlinux 3 years ago

Excelente pra escrever em Markdown, utilizo pra fazer os roteiros dos vídeos do meu canal e blog, simples porém com recursos o suficiente pra lhe tornar produtivo.

gregblee 4 years ago

Takes the simplicity of a markdown text file and adds the formatting in convenient and unobtrusive manner. A great writing tool, with superb attention to detail. If the flathub file size is an issue, there's also a .deb in the repos.

RoMuu 4 years ago

Simple and effective text editor for markdown

israelcena 4 years ago

Clean, Faster and Awesome. I Love it