
alarm message, command and email scheduler
  14 reviews

KAlarm provides a graphical interface to schedule personal timed events - pop-up alarm messages, command execution and sending emails. There is a range of options for configuring recurring events.

A pop-up alarm can show either a simple text message, or the contents of a text or image file. It can optionally be spoken, or play a sound file. You can choose its appearance, and set reminders. Among KAlarm's other facilities, you can set up templates to allow KAlarm to be used as a 'tea timer'.
Latest reviews
Str8gamE 2 years ago

Spoken Alarm does not work on Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon

mib_7opnwb 4 years ago

Spoken Alarm does not work. Using Linux Mint 20 Cinnamon.

juju 5 years ago

I've been using the program for many years (since version 2-10.12-ak)! At LM 19.2 I had problems with the time zones (mentioned below), but thanks to stepnjump advice (thank you!) I fixed them! Everything works fine! You can set your alarms in many ways... A fantastic application!

stepnjump 5 years ago

It's an AMAZING app! However, it is built for KDE but it's possible to have it work great in Gnome also!. Tested in LM 18.3 (cinnamon). Wasn't so lucky under LM 19.x version though. If you get the " The KDE time zone is not available: check that ktimezoned is installed", please install all the akonadi components + korganizer. Reboot then open kAlarm. Still not working. Finally install plasma-workspace then reboot. Works flawlessly! Tried in XFCE: No go! Nothing compares to this one that I know of. The programmer David is VERY helpful...

ephraimshofar 8 years ago

Like other users have said, it does not work on Mint 18

EdmundF 8 years ago

Does not work Mint 18 XFCE, missing timezone fixed on Kmail and other K-stuff.

wayneclea 9 years ago

I find it very good. main drawback being that you have to find a sound file to use. Be nice if it came with a few like other alarm clocks do.

ManuelMB 9 years ago

If you are a LMDE2 user, launch the terminal, write kalarm, press Enter and it will work

TJGeezer 10 years ago

Simple. Gets the job done. Exactly the features I need. I just wish it didn't require so many KDE libraries to install in Cinnamon.

ripsta 10 years ago

Simple and perfect

illia 11 years ago

Супер! Очень мне нравится эта напоминалка! Простая в настройке с богатыми возможностями

Xornot 11 years ago

Exactly what I was looking for. Works great!

yurchenkoms 12 years ago

Very usefull a

jasonjohnwells 13 years ago

best desktop alarm app I've come across. lots of features to run message or audio alerts when you want. Even run commands like a poor man's cron (i think)