
Uploads files on the Internet
  20 reviews

MintUpload allow you to upload files on the Internet. This makes it easier to share or send big files which would not fit in an email.
Latest reviews
VA1DER 6 years ago

This is a solution looking for a problem. All the file managers are quite capable of bookmarking FTP/SFTP destinations as well as SMB or NFS. So, basically people took the capability that's already in every file manager, wrote a utility that is inherently less functional, then decided this utility should be distributed by default. Why???

Dirkoir 6 years ago

Something is odd (Linux Mint 17 Qiana, btw). I see no icon in the system tray or a process running that's called mintupload. Still, 'which mintupload' in the terminal leads me to /usr/bin/mintupload and /usr/bin/mintupload-manager. I only came here because I found mintupload listed and checked by default in my Startup Application Preferences and I wanted to find out what on Earth this is... Apparently it fails to start up on my machine.

Perturbatio 9 years ago

Just to clarify what this program does: It allows you to set up a remote connection via FTP/sFTP/SCP so that you can upload individual files. It adds an icon to the system tray which allows you to select the connection and drag files to upload. It doesn't do directories, only files (you can do multiple files). It will only upload files to the specified directory in the connection. i.e. you can't create rules to determine where files will go based on a pattern It's vaguely useful but not flexible enough for a power user, more useful to give to a small-office worker who just needs to throw files to a remote system but doesn't know how to. (i.e. backup todays accounts) It does work, it's just not that useful

Thasan 9 years ago

Would be great if works, but only uploads test file, nothing else.

numix 9 years ago

It's useless. Please don't make it start-up by default!

MichaelTunnell 9 years ago

I hate it because it is enabled to autostart and in KDE it is not accessible in System Settings or in the autostart folders to make it stop loading. Base files are in usr/lib/linuxmint/mintupload but changing these didn't seem to do much and removing /usr/bin files didn't do anything either. >>> UPDATE: It seems that it will stop loading if you remove all folders/services inside the app's settings menu. Mint Team, maybe you should reconsider this when 90% people hate this. >>> UPDATE #2: here is a tutorial to disable it in Mint KDE

WireMilitia 9 years ago

Shouldn't be loaded out of the box on startup. Exclusively a special needs app.

asderceder 10 years ago

not useful at all

HerrDierk 10 years ago

Don't get it

jahid_0903014 10 years ago

should be excluded

komer 10 years ago

WTF is that?!

mikeeve 11 years ago

Have found no use for it. Dropbox for my cloud files. I've disabled in startup.

transcend 11 years ago

Or you can just install Filezilla and have 10x the capability.

demaniak 11 years ago

As a developer, the idea has great apeal for me. Unfortunately, I couldn't get it to work. The service test fine, but I just can't get it to upload any damn thing. *sigh* such a pity.

quantumriff 11 years ago

SMB support would be nice to include

w3news 12 years ago

works great with own server and files, not if you upload folders

seancan 12 years ago

cant find how to use it anywhere no manual?

cronfy 12 years ago

Can't rename a service???...

wtlhk 13 years ago

never works.

diogosg 13 years ago

very useful