
Development Environment for GNOME
  20 reviews

MonoDevelop is a GNOME IDE primarily designed for C# and other CLI (.NET) languages. It is the unbranded version of Xamarin Studio.

It supports the following languages: C, C++, C# (1.0, 2.0 and 3.0), Vala, Boo, Java, Nemerle, ILasm, ASP.NET and VB.NET.

Features: Debugger Integration (Mono Debugger and GNU Debugger), Class Browser, Assembly Browser, Built-in Help, Monodoc Integration, Code Completion (also known as IntelliSense), Code Folding, Color Schemes, Code Refactoring, On-the-fly error underlining, XML Editing, Embedded HTML viewer, Gettext support, GTK# Designer, MSBuild project support and Makefile Generation.
Latest reviews
dartomic 3 years ago

I don't actually hate this IDE, but it is no longer being developed. I read someone mention on the github page for this that development was shut down for it, and moved to the Apple version of Visual Studio. You can still write C# apps with GUIs, but there's no point, as it will never recieve any C# language features introduced since the last version of this was released. If you like using C#, and want a similar experience that this app should offer, then I recommend using Visual Studio Code, Glade, and writing in the Vala language instead. But pretty much any IDE still being maintained is a better choice than bothering with this IDE at all now.

Gecko64 3 years ago

I wanted to dev C# on Linux Mint 20.2 but it doesn't work. A friend meet the same problem...

lem0nify 7 years ago

NaruTrey отстой

Felladrin 8 years ago

Nice IDE for C#. We need to install it to be able to run MonoDeveloper from Unity3D.

fabricI0 9 years ago

I wouldn't recommend this IDE to anybody; if you want it to work properly in mint then you need to mess a lot with your system by uninstalling and installing lots of dependencies, which can lead to inestability. Install it under your own risk!

kpratama24 9 years ago

nice IDE!

aslanncanerr 9 years ago

Şu anlık iyi gibi ama eksikleri var yinede

cnua 9 years ago

now i like it cause it runs straight out of the box; first impressinos good on linux mint cinnamo9n

NaruTrey 9 years ago

C# отстой

kayo 9 years ago

IDE is great. But DO NOT INSTALL using this package - install using mono-complete.

eltonbicalho 9 years ago

Beyond my expectations!

amithreat 9 years ago

CodeBlock is much better IDE than this.

maxkoryukov 9 years ago

Very good IDE, but some pretty features are broken in 5.9..

mvtaras 9 years ago

as stated by duvg7 if it doesn't work in Mint 17.1 after installation run in terminal "sudo apt-get install libmono-cairo2.0-cil" and works great! Thanks duvg7!

luisbraganca 9 years ago

It's really nice for small programs, but when using .NET the output is different from the output when using visual studio on windows.

nelfer 10 years ago

While the package is great, this is missing the cairo library (so that it can run) and the compiler (so that you can compile programs). I just don't know why they don't put it as a dependency (Literally the program cannot open without the cairo library)

Rijo 10 years ago

Veryyy good ide !!!

Xennan 10 years ago

The power of .NET in Linux. The best IDE for Linux.

DiggenDigga 10 years ago

Die beste C# IDE für Linux und überhaupt!

aroneasadas 10 years ago

Best ide for linux