
Simple but sophisticated graphical music player
  5 reviews

Musique unclutters your music listening experience with a clean and innovative interface. It comes with one playlist, plain and simple, but also with graphical display of your albums and artists using pictures downloaded from At the same time you can, of course, also browse your music directories and files.

The use of an internal database makes musique pretty fast.
Latest reviews
Corydon 4 years ago

I really do like this player. Unfortunately linuxmint has a very old package (5 years old). Musique version 1.7 is out for quite some time.

chilipadi 9 years ago

Visit HOWTO: Install Musique on a computer running Linux Mint 17.2 if you are new to Linux Mint and would like to see the various options for installing Musique.

_Aleksandr_ 10 years ago

помимо прочего распознает кириллицу

amanarya 10 years ago

although its an older version but ui is better than audacious,banshee and other

alle83 10 years ago

Please, update the package! The 1.3 version has been released! I'd like to try it! I don't want to install Ubuntu Software Center!