
file manager and graphical shell for Cinnamon
  20 reviews

Nemo is the official file manager for the Cinnamon desktop. It allows to browse directories, preview files and launch applications associated with them. It is also responsible for handling the icons on the Cinnamon desktop. It works on local and remote filesystems.

Several icon themes and components for viewing different kinds of files are available in separate packages.
Latest reviews
wolfMK 2 weeks ago

Ab NEMO 6.4.2 lassen sich Lesezeichen im Kontextmenü (mit rechter Maustaste) NICHT mehr umbenennen. Das geht leider nur noch über Lesezeichen/Lesezeichen bearbeiten.

sharkscott 1 month ago

It does everything I want-n-need it to do and more. The display options are really cool, plus it remembers what display option you chose for every folder which is really cool. Never seen a DM that did that before.

lcsd 2 years ago

The file manager that made Mint Cinnamon the best ever!

richolate 2 years ago

para mi gusto es el mejor, me gusta puedas entrar en modo administrador. (For my taste it is the best, I like that you can enter administrator mode.)

Lima 2 years ago

Beautiful, simple and at the same has a lot of functionalities. The only problem I found is the stopped progress bar when I extract some compressed files.

lericony 2 years ago

Der mit Abstand beste Dateimanager. Sieht gut aus und kann alles mögliche. Das bräuchte es in allen Distributionen.

mgolop 3 years ago

Es el mejor, pero desde hace tiempo he observado que al poco tiempo se puso lento, cada vez que preciono abrir, tarda mucho, eso ha hecho que no me guste.

RytronII 3 years ago

Only second to Caja, IMO. Awesome file manager! :)

Menard 4 years ago

I don't know because it works from a Mint installation USB stick but not from my LM installation with no swap file ... it takes time to display thumbs or content of folders and if I want to cut or copy paste a lot of files, then the GUI crashes

Sughosha 4 years ago

Needs to automatically Merge folders while copying or moving

SalvoRubino 4 years ago

Sencerely... the best filemanager! I use Nemo on every distro because, differently from others, Nemo is: solid, simple by default, enable desktop usage and is really fast. With new updates, nemo is a complete filemanager that haven't competitors. It looks elegant and beautiful oob but, if you want, you can easily change some settings. Nemo can respect my workflow and accelerate my dayli operations. I advice to use it in every distributions ;)

EdmundF 4 years ago

Missing function to automatically RENAME files while copying is target file name exists

melsevier 5 years ago

Would help to have a scroll bar on the files list when moving several files, can't get to the rest of the files not shown.

CharlieBigley 5 years ago

I cannot use it to access Samba shares, so use Nautilus instead.

limey-lee 5 years ago

My favourite file manager next to Dolphin .

rangelteste 5 years ago


altandeniz 6 years ago

fast and reliable. works amazing on Linux Mint Mate. I don't know why it says "for cinnamon desktop"

vishgaur 6 years ago

I don't know why the rating is so low? I don't understand what an average user needs in a file manager? It is the CLEANEST file manager on Linux till now.

sbroccolo 7 years ago

My favorite

mclad 7 years ago

Needs more power options and customizability. Also, strange behaviour just noted - when editing bookmarks, deleting defaults from "My Computer" such as Videos, Photos, Music etc causes custom bookmarks under "Bookmarks" to jump up into "My Computer". Which is fine, I wanted to put them there anyway ;)