
create and edit videos and movies
  17 reviews

OpenShot Video Editor is a free, open-source, non-linear video editor. It can create and edit videos and movies using many popular video, audio, and image formats. Create videos for YouTube, Flickr, Vimeo, Metacafe, iPod, Xbox, and many more common formats!

Features include: * Multiple tracks (layers) * Compositing, image overlays, and watermarks * Support for image sequences (rotoscoping) * Key-frame animation * Video and audio effects (chroma-key) * Transitions (lumas and masks) * 3D animation (titles and physics simulations) * Chroma key (green screen & blue screen) * Transcode (convert video encodings) * Upload videos (YouTube and Vimeo supported)
Latest reviews
5000words 7 months ago

It's a good, simple to use program, as long as you only want to use the most popular formats at the specific frame rates that the system comes with. If you try to do anything even slightly unusual you might as well give it up. Vertical filming has almost no support and you can not customize the height/width/framerate without closing the program, breaking into the file structure, finding the profiles, copy and pasting one, then altering it to be the settings you need, then re-opening the program and choosing that new profile from the drop down list. It's way, way, more trouble than it's worth if you use any kind of camera phone footage or TikToks. Unless you are doing nothing but standard film shoots I would go with Kdemlive instead until they make it eaiser to change the settings in the program without needing to jail break it.

paleosonic 7 months ago

A very unreliable application! It worked okay-ish on Linux Mint 20.3, but only gave some audio artefacts when clips overlapped. On Mint 21.3 I got Openshot-qt v2.5.1 and it's drama! Cutting clips duplicates the clip and leave it underneath the new created clip. Trying to open the preferences to see if something wrong, did not open the preference window. So I clicked the

Gecko64 11 months ago

Run well on Mint 21.3 with few bugs but the version 2.5.1 is outdated. Could you please update it ? Thank you

jwillems03 1 year ago

I know it's free software but this thing is really bad. It's unstable, sips memory and non-flatpaks versions don't open at all. The screen sometime flickers when you're using an another application when this one's in the background. Basically forget about this software and look for an alternative.

MartinGx 1 year ago

Code from the repository has been OK for very long on my HP with Intel© Core™ i5-4200U CPU @ 1.60GHz × 2, Intel Corporation Haswell-ULT Integrated Graphics Controller, using GNU+LinuxMint. Now suddenly it will not play. I use Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon. 5.2.7

caruga 2 years ago

Not working on 21!

MackoZakran 2 years ago

Not working in Mint 21. Installed from SW manager, but app never started...

robinechuca 2 years ago

Too bad the source code quality is so bad. It has a functional, rather intuitive interface and offers uninteresting features. Unfortunately, the source code does not respect at all the python conventions, it does not manage RAM very well, it does not have an optimization graph so it is very slow, it has a strong tendency to pixelize and introduce artifacts (due to the absence of graph).

n0body_special 2 years ago

it does not launch. Linux Mint 21 Cinnamon. Like pg82 says, it opens two processes in the background, but nothing else happens. The other package is Flatpack, which I am also not a fan of. Pity, I loved this video editor, it has been with me for years. EDIT: as is usually the case, the repository version is to blame. Just get the original from the website

pg82 2 years ago

This version is not opening in my installation. It seems to run in instances in the background, but no window opens. The other available version opens.

Jess0514 2 years ago

Working with my my 14 year old budget laptop using Intel Celeron 1.6, 4gb ram, 128gb ssd and Linux Mint 20.3.

openletter 2 years ago

not open

aubreyjzhang 2 years ago

Just to let everyone know that I have tried the one that is listed as "OpenShot Video Editor" with a different logo but that did not as good as this one which is listed as "Openshot-qt" - this one works but not the other one.

open_sky 3 years ago

You can easely install it from official site via AppImage. There will be the latest version with higher chance to work propely. I like openshot because of its easy to understand interface.

fjrg76 3 years ago

Release included in Linux Mint 20.2 just doesn't work: whenever you add a video to the project, the program freezes. Trying the flatpak. Hope it works because I don't understand the kdenlive workflow.

Ciberpolimatia 3 years ago

Intuitivo e funcional. Gosto muito desse editor de vídeos. Não sou um editor profissional, porém meus vídeos de filosofia para meu canal no Telegram sempre passam por ele. Acredito ser perfeito para quem começa a edição de vídeos.

rickmint20 3 years ago

La aplicación Funciona bien en mi i3-1005G1