LibreOffice is a powerful office suite. Its clean interface and feature-rich tools help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity. LibreOffice includes several applications that make it the most powerful Free and Open Source office suite on the market: Writer (word processing), Calc (spreadsheets), Impress (presentations), Draw (vector graphics and flowcharts), Base (databases), and Math (formula editing).
LibreOffice supports opening and saving into a wide variety of formats, so you can easily share documents with users of other popular office suites without worrying about compatibility.
LibreOffice is great but I'm very disappointed with the flatpak version on Mint 22.1. I've experienced constant crashing when editing a table in Writer (adding rows, cutting and pasting). The system version is older but stable so I've reverted to that.
I can't understand some of the design decisions that were made to make this worse than OpenOffice. I use Calc heavily for roleplaying game aides and having randbetween be volatile as a default means I needed to update thousands of functions to .nv, and even waiting so long for .nv to be implemented was just goofy. So, sorting that out for each of my sheets, super annoying. But then Writer can't even keep up with a 1 second macro to condense lines, a simple Home, Backspace, Space. OpenOffice can handle this in half a second, Text Editor can handle it in 1/3rd and Libre can't even manage 1 second over 80 lines without stalling out and failing to implement space. Test Libre in Safe Mode, nope, can't handle half the functionality of OpenOffice. Hop over to test this on Windows, have to restart for the installation because Windows is the worst OS, and Libre still can't handle it. So this isn't JUST a Linux issue, this is Libre Office's poor quality. Can it AT LEAST handle find and replace with an enter in the replace? Nope, just replaces the line break indicators with nothing, a simple thing that seemingly ONLY Text Editor/Notepad can handle. There may be more somewhere in this program to make it useful, but as it stands it's worse than Text Editor/Notepad for basic usage. Focus on making the core usability actually work.
Absolutely love LibreOffice. It has taken me a while to feel this way as I always struggled with it being menu driven, especially as I was used to MS Office. However when I found you can change to tab driven by going to view, user interface and changing to tab, it has made this an amazing package that I now prefer to any other. I also have to say version 7.6 is best yet.
This Flathub version includes the newest LibreOffice, I like having the newest one. Been using LibreOffice for years as replacement for microsoft office. Mostly the writer ('word') and calc ('excel') modules. Love how easy and lightweight it is compared to the bloaty microsoft office. The only downside is that there is no 100% compatability with industry standard DOCX files. How I wish one day most of the world will transfer to open source documents as default. How I love libreoffice!
Been using Libreoffice for 8 years now. Started using it with Windows 7, decided to try out Linuxmint Una 20.3, installed Libreoffice. I used Libreoffice draw that came with Linuxmint 20.3, it was ok, comapered to Win7 Libreoffice it was terrible. I thought the Flatpak version would make things better, color wise and font rendering. I was horrified to find out that Libreoffice draw FLATPAk is the most horrid thing in existence. It locks up constantly due to it's font rendering problems. I can appreciate the hard work people put into this, but the FLATPAK people should be emarassed. Apache Office is better than Liberoffice Draw flatpak, and that is real bad.
Hi devs... need to update the version on the software manager I think. The site says: But when open in Mint Software Manager it says:
I replaced the old LibreOffice that came with Cinnamon 20.2 with this and it works great! It's nice to have the most up to date apps (Flatpak).
I prefer to have this latest flatpack version, instead of the pre installed old one
La seule et unique façon d'avoir un LibreOffice à jour sur Linux Mint. Sur LMDE3 et 4, ou sur Linux Mint classique ! Les thèmes sont bien supportés, l'application est bien francisée aussi...
Flathub is the best way to install the newest LibreOffice version on your Linux Mint and keep it up-to-date.
Cette suite office s'améliore de plus en plus : maintenant on peut afficher tous les outils avec un ruban, ce qui est plus agréable à utiliser! Et avec le Flatpak il se met automatiquement à jour, c'est cool
Installs well under LMDE3 (Cindy) as Flatpak and runs well as always - even on an 11yo MacBook! Very happy.
Works perfectly on Mint18.3! The only thing i suggest is to also install org.gtk.Gtk3theme.Mint-Y to fix theme.
I got the Version: But i had to increase the system fonts to unpixelate tool icons on mint 18.3.
The installation was perfect on mintInstall 7.9.5, the only problem is the size on disk, but this is a problem of Flatpak...
Прекрасный офисный пакет с широкими возможностями. Главное стабильный в использовании. Не хватает программ которые могут в него встраиваться, например переводчики
Yüklemeden önce kurulumda gelen LibreOffice versiyonunu "sudo apt-get purge libreoffice*" komutu ile kaldırdım. LibreOffice (flathub) yükledikten sonra ilk açılışta panelin ön tanımlı mı yoksa boş panel mi seçimi yapmamı istedi. Ben de ön tanımlı paneli seçince Mint'in normal paneli kayboldu. Altta kısa ve üstte uzun iki panel ortaya çıktı. Ne yaptımsa Mintin kurulumda gelen normal paneli geri getiremedim. Neyseki TimeShift'ten yedekleme yapmıştım.Sakın yüklemeyin! Sonradan kurulan Libre Office, Linux Minti bozuyor.