Apparently it's supposed to do something. It doesn't. sudo apt --purge remove p7zip does the trick of getting it off your computer.
Hello, I believe it is a bug, to uninstall it appears a huge list of other programs.
Supports all the files, integrates with the already-existing File Roller in Mint!
Integrates seamlessly LinuxMint Cinnamon v 204. Upon right cloik of a file or folder and selecting "Compress" you can password protect archives via "Other Options" for 7z and zip archives
Imprescindible. Junto a p7zip-rar, puedo descomprimir todos los tipos de archivo que necesito.
Minden beígért formátumot támogat, jelszavazni, fájllistát titkosítani, köteteket létrehozni is tud. Ajánlom!
7zip is completely open source and totally free... use it to zip up or extract any folders