
PDF Split and Merge
  20 reviews

PDF Split and Merge is a very simple, easy to use, free, open source utility to split and merge pdf files. It has a simple graphical interface to let the user choose pdf files, split or merge them.
Latest reviews
mburtonUK 1 month ago

An excellent tool. I don't need to use it often but when I do, it is quick and easy with excellent features. It does exactly what it sets out to do. The only downside is that there doesn't seem to be a way to increase the font size on the GUI.

matematico65 1 year ago

Features offered beyond my expectations. Complete and fully functional with Linux Mint 21.2 XFCE

HMMH 1 year ago

the display on the screen is very small

kurniadji97 2 years ago

Little, simple, but usefull for immediate work.

SkidMark 4 years ago

Works perfectly LM 19.3 . PDF-Shuffler & PDF Arranger failed drag & drop from /tmp/mozilla_myusername0 which is where my temp PDF's are stored when I open them in Ockular. I opened a bunch of PDF's that I wanted to merge & save. PDF-Shuffle also choked on attempted merge. pdfsam has an awesome, informative pdf list that shows # of pages per pdf & allows you to rearrange them. Icing on the cake was the ability to auto-generate in index page.

JeLMDe 5 years ago

Works great for splitting and merging files which is mostly what I use it for. The program is easy to work with. There is a newer version for LMDE 4 available at the PDF Sam website (4.1.1) that installs easily. Uninstall the older version before installing the updated one (install didn't work until i did that).

PascalSarre 5 years ago

Ne fonctionne pas sous LM 19.3

jhillert 5 years ago

All I have done with this so far is merge 3 pdfs into 1. That said, the interface looks awesome, and I had no trouble installing it on Linux Mint Ubuntu 19.2 (Tina). And it did the one thing I asked it to quickly. Really, the take-away is just to confirm that this works fine on MINT 19.2...

gisn8 5 years ago

Trying in a new Linux Mint Mate 19.2 install and initial trials indicate it's working fine without the java modification mentioned in previous reviews. Screeenshot is old, so the interface is drastically updated, but the functions are there.

AlC-Cville 5 years ago

Won't do anything in Mint 18.3 other than show opening frame with windows. Appears to have no means to open a pdf file to work on it, which makes it quite useless.

Erebus_Oneiros 6 years ago

Have used since Mint 17. Now on Mint 19 it didn't work at first -> it won't go past the splash screen. If you are facing the same issue then change the default to Java 8, as pdfsam uses it rather than the Java 11 which is deault on Mint 19. Run $sudo update-alternatives --config java. Then select the right option for Java 8. For me it was #2. The software is powerful and works well.

blawson 6 years ago

In Mint 19, Java 8 has to be the default. Do this with 'sudo update-alternatives --config java'

mintuserfromrd 6 years ago

Does not start. Try, try and try but do not start. In Mint 19

nissimnanach 6 years ago

I splitted a large pdf at bookmarks level 2, worked great thank you! LM18.3 Sylvia 64bit

Lememe 6 years ago

ne fonctionne pas sous Mint19 xfce64b le splashscreen s'affiche une fraction de seconde puis plus rien. (idem avec le .deb du site web)

mavpouck2 7 years ago

Works perfect on Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon 64-bit :-)

egorka 9 years ago

awsome programm love it indispensable for me

LaurX 9 years ago

Often succeeds in splitting/merging pdf's. Watch out with letting 'overwrite' On and not changing the target file name though whenst doing several jobs...

vincav91 10 years ago

Efficient split and merge tool with simple user interface that makes tasks completed in few steps. Quite small, stable and multilingual. Recommended for PDF editing.

ugly_duck 10 years ago

The best one for both Linux and Windows. Highly recommended.