Program ini tampil dengan elegan dan langsung -- tak bertele-tele; Dengan fungsi-fungsi peninjauan, tools dasar yang melebihi dari cukup, penyuntingan tag, fungsi histogram, komentar, editing dasar (cropping, dst.). Adalah tak salah jika Tim Mint memilihkannya sebagai program baku. Tambahan lainnya tampilannya yang bersih dan elegan. Berharap program ini akan terus terpelihara dan terus lebih baik: dalam hal efisiensi dan efektifitas penggunaan resource, tampilan simpel ~ rapi ~ elegan ~ langsung, kelincahan dan keringanan, penghilangan bug, dan seterusnya. Sangat berharap ia maju dengan hati-hati dan tak menjadi "serakah," "berlemak dan lambat" ke depannya, dan akan terus didukung sekalipun era desktop telah ke Wayland sepenuhnya.
Sendo bem sincero, o aplicativo gThumb é bem melhor que o pix, é mais completo, eficiente e otimizado. Vocês poderiam colocar esse aplicativo como aplicativo de foto padrão no linux mint, o que acham?
buh, Mirage (though doesn't work for me on mint 21 Xfce) and Ristretto are better...
For laptop users this app is terrible for browsing images, because there's no support for touchpad scrolling, which is very fast and broken. Also, the image zoom is a lots lagged. If you uses a touchpad and not a mouse I recommend installing another app, like gThumb.
Pix is a great image viewer/browser with lots of extensions/plugins. But I like gThumb more.
It's a fantastic app that allows you the most common editing settings quickly. It also allows you to manipulate metadata very easily. Perhaps you miss being able to browse folders directly from the image browser without resorting to the tree. But in general it goes great in xfce and cinnamon.
Nice, simple and plain, with lots of features. One of the very few supporting webp format. The only thing missing is raw (dng) support.
This software saved my ass! I found some strangely corrupted images, I was unable to open those with ANY other software, but THIS one opened it and the best part is that it has an export function, so I was able to export the images saving them correctly!