
Open Source Desktop Page Layout
  20 reviews

Scribus is an open source desktop page layout program with the aim of producing commercial grade output in PDF and Postscript.

Scribus can be used for many tasks; from brochure design to newspapers, magazines, newsletters and posters to technical documentation.

Scribus supports professional DTP features, such as CMYK color and a color management system to soft proof images for high quality color printing, flexible PDF creation options, Encapsulated PostScript import/export and creation of 4 color separations, import of EPS/PS and SVG as native vector graphics, Unicode text including right to left scripts such as Arabic and Hebrew via freetype. Graphic formats which can be placed in Scribus as images include PDF, Encapsulated Post Script (eps), TIFF, JPEG, PNG and XPixMap(xpm), and any bitmap type supported by QT5.

If you need to use the render frame install the texlive-latex-recommended package (suggested).
Latest reviews
ALH477 8 months ago

Scribus is the only software I use for creating visually attractive documents. If you can't figure out how to use the text box then go back to Pages on macos.

konradem 1 year ago

adding a text field and text inside it is quite a drama - and the program still has to add its own frame to the text field, which cannot be changed.

Portreve 2 years ago

I have been using Scribus since its 1.3.x developmental days, and it's been my regular DTP tool since I moved to Linux full time in 2015. Honestly, I'm amazed how close it comes to commercial-grade tools out there like InDesign and QuarkXPress. This is a surprisingly capable program which supports color management, lets you reconstruct your own colors in addition to the wide array of palettes already built in. The fact that the program's development team has been able to take Scribus this far considering all the copyright, trademark, and patent-encumbered elements there are to the printing industry is honestly a tribute to their skills, talents, and passions. I've used this program to successfully create materials for use on Café Press, for business cards, for menus, and even sign boards.

atomlaw 2 years ago

Being able to Edit PDF's is fantastic. I wish there were more editors. But its a great publishing tool.

LoganPaelias 4 years ago

Excelente programa para hacer maquetación editorial. Te sirve perfectamente para editar diarios, revistas, etc, tanto en PDF como en impresos. Se parece en su facilidad de uso y posibilidades a Quarkxpress. Uno de los mejores software libres, aun no tiene alternativa parecida en software ibre.

linuxer 4 years ago

Берите Scribus-ng, (версия 1.5.5) работает отлично!

rwmich 4 years ago

wouldn't open my already existing simple pdf files from the gitgo. If it can't do that flawlessly from the start, it's a non-starter.

nowakowski 5 years ago

A really great tool for creating PDFs - zines, flyers, books and more. Easy to learn, but powerful.

promotomorp 5 years ago

It takes some time to switch from Indesign but working with it after the transition is a blast. A new version to fix some old bugs would be great though.

pelutxe 6 years ago

Excellent. Works as well as InDesign does, only Scribus is faster, free and cross-platform, so it's a lot better.

kybagul 7 years ago

Best application for publishing as DTP

quickblack 7 years ago

the best publishing software...

Aotuhm 8 years ago

A complete pro tool for publishing.

jagmint 8 years ago

A very feature rich and powerful Desktop Publishing program. There is a bit of learning curve but there are lots of online tutorials to begin with. Once you get a feel then you become more productive. All the tools needed are there.

shuphi 9 years ago

The essential tool for printed media output. Totally rocks.

Druida13 9 years ago

Equivale ao Publisher

cryptor 9 years ago

Muy completo y al mismo tiempo sencillo. Los resultados son espectaculares.

guaibao 9 years ago


rudspring 9 years ago

it's worth every minute to learn this tool, got great results for posters and small magazines.

Rebel450 9 years ago

a bit complicated to deal with the menus/options - but for sure - the best you can get for Linux...