
Wallpaper changer, downloader and manager
  19 reviews

Variety is a wallpaper manager for Linux systems. It supports numerous desktops and wallpaper sources, including local files and online services: Flickr, Wallhaven, Unsplash, and more.

Where supported, Variety sits as a tray icon to allow easy pausing and resuming. Otherwise, its desktop entry menu provides a similar set of options.

You can also install the following (suggested) packages to enhance Variety's functionality on certain desktop setups: * feh | nitrogen: used for wallpaper changing on i3, openbox, and dwm * gnome-shell-extension-appindicator | gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus: adds tray icon / indicator support to GNOME Shell, so that Variety's tray icon can be displayed
Latest reviews
thomass3986 19 hours ago

le changement par temporisation enimages locale (24h par exemple) ne fonctionne pas si le pc est eteint pour la nuit le compteur repart a zero a chaque allumage,.si sa reste allumé 24h le changement aura lieux

Reljoy 1 year ago

I've been using Variety for several years now and I love it. I especially love how I can have my own personal quotes and my own photos randomly showing.

multiSingularity 1 year ago

Simple, effective and trouble-free. A perfect wallpaper app.

bOsO 1 year ago

Very useful app! Love it!

krasota 2 years ago

É muito legal, tem bastante opção de configurações porém o relógio no desktop poderia ter a opção de alterar os offsets pelo software, é bem ruim alterar pelo ~/.config/variety/variety.conf e ter que reiniciar o programa pra ver o resultado. Mas de qualquer forma é muito bom

BazilZoofari 2 years ago

Works great! Thanks Peter Levi!

ahmedvolks 3 years ago

The most lovely wallpaper application

AnEspressoDuck 4 years ago

UPDATED: The bug in Variety seems to be due to a bug in BeautifulSoup4 (bs4) and it's utilization of html5lib. So, not Variety's fault. It's an exceptional tool and highly recommend for everyone using Mint.

Machpitt 5 years ago

Gosto muito do Variety. Desde que o descobri é uma das primeiras coisas que instalo! Recomendo!!!

pedrorjas 6 years ago

O melhor de sua categoria. :)

altandeniz 6 years ago

I had this app 6-7 years ago and now I'm installating it again. It's an amazing wallpaper app. Thanks to it's developer for this wonderful work

juanalejandro 6 years ago

Simplemente genial, los fondos son hermosos y en la mejor calidad posible. Una buena forma de poder visualizar imágenes y lugares sin hacer más que estar en el computador trabajando.

daffa 6 years ago

Very useful app! Love it!

dineshS 7 years ago

Love it!

Portreve 7 years ago

Variety is by far the most comprehensive wallpaper changing program I've used. It works very well, and definitely lives up to its name.

oaklar 7 years ago

Nice app

jluismoran 7 years ago

Works fine in Linux Mint 18. Thanks!

Megatrue 8 years ago

Потрясающая программа, всем советую. В отличии от Wally легко настраивается и настройки работают.

Firefairy 8 years ago

Does a great job of mixing the wallpaper from (in my case) over a dozen sources, both local and online. The wallpaper collection is also surprisingly nice, given how little interaction it requires. My only complaint is that I can't take it with me to the Windows boxes I have to use; this is a Linux-only gem.