
Wallpaper changer, downloader and manager
  18 reviews

Variety is a wallpaper manager for Linux systems. It supports numerous desktops and wallpaper sources, including local files and online services: Flickr, Wallhaven, Unsplash, and more.

Where supported, Variety sits as a tray icon to allow easy pausing and resuming. Otherwise, its desktop entry menu provides a similar set of options.

You can also install the following (suggested) packages to enhance Variety's functionality on certain desktop setups: * feh | nitrogen: used for wallpaper changing on i3, openbox, and dwm * gnome-shell-extension-appindicator | gnome-shell-extension-top-icons-plus: adds tray icon / indicator support to GNOME Shell, so that Variety's tray icon can be displayed
Latest reviews
Reljoy 5 months ago

I've been using Variety for several years now and I love it. I especially love how I can have my own personal quotes and my own photos randomly showing.

multiSingularity 5 months ago

Simple, effective and trouble-free. A perfect wallpaper app.

bOsO 1 year ago

Very useful app! Love it!

krasota 1 year ago

É muito legal, tem bastante opção de configurações porém o relógio no desktop poderia ter a opção de alterar os offsets pelo software, é bem ruim alterar pelo ~/.config/variety/variety.conf e ter que reiniciar o programa pra ver o resultado. Mas de qualquer forma é muito bom

BazilZoofari 2 years ago

Works great! Thanks Peter Levi!

ahmedvolks 2 years ago

The most lovely wallpaper application

AnEspressoDuck 4 years ago

UPDATED: The bug in Variety seems to be due to a bug in BeautifulSoup4 (bs4) and it's utilization of html5lib. So, not Variety's fault. It's an exceptional tool and highly recommend for everyone using Mint.

Machpitt 4 years ago

Gosto muito do Variety. Desde que o descobri é uma das primeiras coisas que instalo! Recomendo!!!

pedrorjas 5 years ago

O melhor de sua categoria. :)

altandeniz 5 years ago

I had this app 6-7 years ago and now I'm installating it again. It's an amazing wallpaper app. Thanks to it's developer for this wonderful work

juanalejandro 6 years ago

Simplemente genial, los fondos son hermosos y en la mejor calidad posible. Una buena forma de poder visualizar imágenes y lugares sin hacer más que estar en el computador trabajando.

daffa 6 years ago

Very useful app! Love it!

dineshS 6 years ago

Love it!

Portreve 6 years ago

Variety is by far the most comprehensive wallpaper changing program I've used. It works very well, and definitely lives up to its name.

oaklar 7 years ago

Nice app

jluismoran 7 years ago

Works fine in Linux Mint 18. Thanks!

Megatrue 7 years ago

Потрясающая программа, всем советую. В отличии от Wally легко настраивается и настройки работают.

Firefairy 8 years ago

Does a great job of mixing the wallpaper from (in my case) over a dozen sources, both local and online. The wallpaper collection is also surprisingly nice, given how little interaction it requires. My only complaint is that I can't take it with me to the Windows boxes I have to use; this is a Linux-only gem.