
Nendo-inspired 3D polygon mesh modeller
  10 reviews

Wings 3D is a polygon mesh modeller written entirely in Erlang. The user interface was designed to be easy to use for both beginners and advanced users alike. It was inspired by the famous Nendo modeller (from Izware.)

Unlike similar modelling programs (such as Blender), this program does not provide native support for doing animations (though you can output its models to an animation tool.)

Wings 3D supports the following import formats: Nendo (NDO), 3D Studio (3DS), Wavefront (OBJ), and Adobe Illustrator 8 (AI).

Wings 3D supports the following export formats: Nendo (NDO), 3D Studio (3DS), Wavefront (OBJ), VRML (WRL), Renderman (RIB), Hash:Animation Master (MDL), Renderware (RWX), Yafray, Toxic, and FBX via a third-party plug-in.

Open Source Erlang is a functional programming language designed at the Ericsson Computer Science Laboratory.
Latest reviews
MvGulik 1 year ago

Great. There is some new W3D version (for some time now) ... but this particular Mint install is still stalled at some way older version. FlatPack install-case is of course updated, but I don't like to use that crap. And the available Linux install file on the W3D site for the newer version ... will of course not work. complaining, as usual, about something missing. (Yea, ain't Linux and/or Mint great ... If your a Linux/Programming geek that is.)

zeus7777 8 years ago

makes it easy to work with mesh

samriggs 11 years ago

Great lightweight 3d program

koolobus 13 years ago

It's so simple that even I can use it:)

angelcleff 13 years ago

Love it!, powerful, easy to use, simple, easy to learn, a really must have tool for fast 3d modelling, i think its like the 3d mypaint, and blender is the gimp. Highly recommended!

easy 13 years ago

Excellent modelling application. You can use it along with Blender, the modelling part is much easier in Wings. It has great selectors, also very good UV mapper. Perfect for organic modelling, but also very good for modelling vehicles, buildings, etc. I'd recommend it for other game developers! It certainly has a great potential.

jeton 14 years ago

very good

wanda 14 years ago

Yes very good.

zaenal1234 14 years ago

easy to use, & very good.

guismo 14 years ago

Highly recommended for people wanting to get in 3d modeling.