
Text editor
  20 reviews

Xed is a text editor which supports most standard editor features, extending this basic functionality with other features not usually found in simple text editors. Xed is a graphical application which supports editing multiple text files in one window (known sometimes as tabs or MDI).

Xed fully supports international text through its use of the Unicode UTF-8 encoding in edited files. Its core feature set includes syntax highlighting of source code, auto indentation and printing and print preview support.

Xed is also extensible through its plugin system, which currently includes support for spell checking, comparing files, viewing CVS ChangeLogs, and adjusting indentation levels.
Latest reviews
Menthalambd 2 months ago

A very basic text editor. Unfortunately the main issue using Xed is that it can easily lead to dataloss. It will freeze up completely with files that have long lines of text, requiring it to be killed and losing all unsaved documents and/or changes.

AlberAlex11 6 months ago

Sencillo y funcional. Lo más parecido a la sencillez del Bloc de Notas, pero con un par de sutiles adiciones que lo hacen aún mejor.

midnite 6 months ago

Xed is a really great text editor, I would just like to see "block selection" introduced. Today I have to combine it with others (like kate geany or notpadqq) to have this functionality.

serbul 1 year ago

despite announced support of UTF8 in fact it doesn't support it, and can't save the changes in a file in UTF. At least as of v.3.2.2. The most recent version at the moment at Github is 3.4.3, but it's not available through Mint(20.3) Software Manager..

caltrop4 1 year ago

in the early days I was using gedit but went back to xed, working great for everything I need

joao-gs 1 year ago

Simplesmente um editor de texto simples e pratico, fico feliz que esse editor faz parte da aplicação padrão do linux mint! Recomendo!

zack 2 years ago

Good text editor, it lacks a small tool on the color that would allow to change the background color, with an eyedropper, because there must choose from a selection and it is not too practical.

toomyg155 2 years ago

Works GREAT...

lazaroslaskaridis 2 years ago

Nice it is simple and light to use!!

RytronII 3 years ago

Maybe even better than Gedit.

biffster 4 years ago

Excellent text editor for basic tasks, syntax highlighting works well, and it can natively work on remote files. Good stuff!

Welcome 4 years ago

The navigation keyboard shortcuts are in the Documents menu. Alt+1 = 1st Document Alt+2 = 2nd Document Alt+3 = 3rd Document ... Alt+0 = 10th Document. Use the numbers across the top of the keyboard.

openletter 4 years ago

One step above original Microsoft Notepad because it has tabs. However, changing tabs cannot be done from the keyboard, as with every other tabbed application.

pernikv 4 years ago

I love this editor. I've never used better! It suits me better than Gedit.

vivono 4 years ago

Lo uso todo el tiempo.

brawaga 4 years ago

It fressed 12 gigs of RAM for editing small 60k file.

gregblee 5 years ago

My go-to text editor, with all the features i need (including F10 Sort, for my to-do list) and various syntax highlighting (Markdown and HTML mostly), but none of the awkwardness and size of other, more complex text editors.

syklist 5 years ago

The UI has some significant drawbacks if you are using LinuxMint as a "TV" with a large HD screen. I have been unable to find a way to make the toolbar icons large enough when sitting 2 m from a 27" screen. In addition they have the developers have followed the modern monotone flat icon fetish which a) makes it even more difficult to distinguish the individual icons at this distance and b) really does not fit in with an xfce desktop with Tango icons. I have installed Mousepad instead which does allow toolbar icons to be resized and has easily distinguished colourful icons.

tn5421 5 years ago

Simple, lightweight, convenient, and has built in dark themes. I've heard it has it's problems but I haven't experienced any yet.

Knezev87 5 years ago

ekstra program