Hardware detection

  13 years ago

I bumped into a great comand for those who need to figure out hardware etc on your device.

"lshw" can be used with multiple switches and can be scripted, especialy usefull if you need to spec out multiple machines

can be run either as comand or gui interface (sudo apt-get install lshw-gtk)

adventage in shell is that you can roll it as a script of course with usefull switches

for starters lshw -help lists all usefull switches


-html outputs hardware as HTML

-XML outputs hardware as HTML

-short outputs hardware paths

-businfo outputs hardware paths

-X graphical interface (personally didn't find it very useful and quite gitchy as it doesn't seem to work well with specific switches like hardware class)



-class (-c or -C or -CLASS) useful as a limitation for specific class of hardware.

    exp. (sudo lshw -c memory) will output all memory info including dim banks etc.

-disable TEST

-enable TEST enables of disables specific test (memory, pci etc)

-quiet  doesn't display status

-sanitize removes sensative information like serial numbers etc.

-numeric outpts numeric IDs

sorry guys i was just excited as it saved me a lot of time during inventory time but it maybe more of personal interest rather than enything else. Great in case you have to purchase additional hardware or test hardware compatibility RAM etc.

jackkay 13 years ago

sorry guys,

i don't login very often :) i'll compile more of an actual usage manual as soon as i have a few minutes. I simply shared it as it saved me few hours of walking arround my clinics to gather hardware info etc. :)

cheers and i'll do my best to have something more coherent soon.

jraz 13 years ago

Where's the tutorial? Probably a great tool but like the comments explain before me, it is missing key elements to be a tutorial.

kazztan0325 13 years ago

@jackkay - Last login: 2011-10-11 06:28:31

He/She probably has not read our comments yet.

Hi @jackkay ,
When would you log back in?

sunewbie 13 years ago

@remoulder and @RayWoods 
I agree with you
I think you should compile in such a way that an end user can follow instruction.

I simply could not understand it. May be it should be tagged as only for advanced users.

Can you please explain that are switches?.

A screenshot would be great.


kazztan0325 13 years ago

I guess this is a preface to a tutorial about "lshw".

Let us wait until @jackkay would start to write its main text.
I think it would include the usage of "lshw" and the explanation of "lshw-gtk".

RayWoods 13 years ago

You can even include the fact it needs to be installed on LMDE and there is a GUI which can be used with it (lshw-gtk).

remoulder 13 years ago

This is not a tutorial, you should at least put some details of it's usage.