
Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
" I highly recommend it for file cleanup. Czkawka is a very close re-implementation of Fslint. Fslint has been one of my often used utilities to keep my storage clean but it disappeared starting with Mint 20.x so I'm very glad to have discovered this package. In fslint one right clicked on a directory to get options for selecting similar directories. Czkawka uses a select button with regex support. It quickly finds dups, selects targeted files/folder and deletes as requested."
"I've used Digikam for many years and it just keeps growing with new features and major improvements. I'm currently using beta 7.0 looking for bugs. (I haven't found any yet...), This latest version comes with several neat new features. It now supports videos without crashing. The ability to view thumbnails in large format actually allows me to delete crud without needing to go to slide show format. Weeding through all of the duplicates that come with using continues shooting is really easy. I set up a keystroke combination that I use to mark photos for deletion and can go through hundreds of photos in a few minutes. Creating finger prints for finding duplicates does take time and resources but then duplicate finding works well since I can set the degree of similarity I want. I'm still not proficient with face recognition. I suspect I need to start with portrait quality images of each person and expect to match them within a limited age range. Overall I love Digikam. I recommend getting the latest stable release 6.4 in appimage format directly from Digikam and wait until 7.0 is official then upgrade."
"Installed it then 5 minutes later loaded 6 hand held images into Hugin and followed the step by step guide. I'm amazed that it did such a smooth job of stitching somewhat rough captures together. I used the camera's built in level to keep the images as level as possible and left a significant overlap. I didn't need to make a single adjustment. Start of load to viewing the resulting image file 3 minutes tops. The next one I expect will take less than a minute start to finish. A well done piece of software, easy to use and very powerful."
"Solid. Does everthing I need for an IM client."