csmemarketing Simeon Prince
Trinidad and Tobago

Simeon Prince: I am a young web designer and graphic artist specializing in trinidad website design. I am a very driven individual who has been working in the Design and Advertising Industry since the year 2004.

I am an Agent in CSM eMarketing and Consulting – a local company dedicated to consulting with Small Business Owners and providing website development services to them.

My Hobbies include Blogging about Open Source Design Software, and Old-School Video Gaming on the NES, SNES, Nintendo 64 and PlayStation 1 platforms.

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You can connect with Simeon on your favorite social networks;

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Title Score
Software reviews
Software Score
"#trinidadwebsitedesign - I started off with Photoshop, became an expert in that. But When I saw Gimp 2.6, I decided to learn it because I wanted to switch to linux permanently. It's a great contender to photoshop but when 2.8 came out, I was amazed. I rate it 5/5 in open source graphics because it's a must have on linux or any other OS if you want a free Graphics Editor like photoshop. When used together with Inkscape, you cannot go wrong at all! Anything basic to intermediate you can make with Gimp. The only thing missing from gimp is the live layer effects in photoshop and that's it. I suggest you install and learn it right now! See these websites I made with help from both Gimp and Inkscape - (1), (2)"
"The Best Open Source Design App. This was the only alternative to Adobe Illustrator for me and I do all my private jobs with it as a Graphic Design and Web Design Professional. Nothing else comes close. If you know Illustrator good, then this will be even easier to learn. Install it now! #trinidadwebsitedesign. Also, I've made a few websites using inkscape as the primary software for mockups, they are: (1), (2) and more in the future. Take a look and see what possible with inkscape and some skill."