
Software Manager
  20 reviews

A software manager to easily install new applications.
Latest reviews
dippy 1 month ago

On MInt 22.1 mintinstall does not run with flatpak being installled. Why does flatpak need to be installed to run mininstall when it is a system package? Seems to me to be a completely unnecessary dependency to run mintinstall.

charliemartinez 5 months ago

The best software center that exists for GNU / Linux. Also, the package for LMDE4 is compatible with Debian. And if you don't have SystemD (Example Devuan) you can install my fork, from Quirinux repository:

rodneylives 6 months ago

It feels like it pushes Flatpaks on me, to the extent that it prefers them to system packages? I don't see the appeal of flatpaks, most of them take a gigabyte or more (sometimes up to three!) to hold software that otherwise takes tens of megabytes.

Catoflado 1 year ago

Best software manager ever, and I will still use it even if I ever migrate to ther distribution.

joao-gs 2 years ago

The store is very stable, a suggestion, improve the design of the store, please. Thanks for the excellent work!

Johndzzo 2 years ago

Very good software, most of the apps are up to date, easy to use and supports flatpack and flathub

lericony 3 years ago

Enttäuschend. Braucht eine halbe Ewigkeit und enorme CPU-Leistung (am alten Laptop sehr rechenintensiv) und ist insgesamt sehr langsam. Man kann Installationen nicht pausieren und abbrechen ist nur durch Schließen der gesamten Anwendung möglich, wobei hier evt. restliche, nicht benötigte Dateien zurückbleiben. Ich kann anderen Bewertungen, das hier sei der beste Software Manager, leider ganz und gar nicht zustimmen und wünsche mir endlich ein größeres Update, das gewisse Probleme behebt.

kevinlucasilva 3 years ago

Então, não é 5 estrelas pois ainda faltam alguns recursos, por exemplo, o GIMP possui complementos para a versão Flatpak que são os plugins (BIMP, GMic, Resynthesizer, etc) e isso a Loja não mostra na página do GIMP, diferente de algumas outras, então, seria bom que mostrasse.

Danger_Dad 3 years ago

:^, The installer does what it's meant to do, but it could be improved. Every entry in the database includes a description page that is larger than the window, must as web pages often are. However, the Arrow Keys or Page Up, Page Down keys of the keyboard do nothing. Instead, you have to drag the skinny scroll bar with the mouse, which is tricky on a lap top. There really is no excuse for this.

forever-and-a-day 4 years ago

Fantastic and most reliable software manager I have seen compared to many other distros (I'm looking at you, ubuntu)

XP_Studios 4 years ago

I used the Mintinstall to review the Mintinstall

Arrowhead 5 years ago

It's a Good Software base, Sometimes outdated though.

longnguyen2306 6 years ago

I don't care about the low score. It works like a charm, is reliable and doesn't waste my time.

MikeF90000 6 years ago

Good for beginners to find applications. The 'review' function used here AND the Community web site is a terribly clunky, single line input; this is embarassing - please get someone to fix it! UPDATE: AFTER TWO YEARS the review submit function Still reports Connection Timeouts often.

LightningProd 6 years ago

Looks amazing with the new look in LM 18.3/19.0! Only problems are 1. searching in LM19 takes a very long time (it didn't in LM18.3) and 2. it sometimes reports the wrong size for packages (for example, a 17KB package being 1GB).

Sergey_S74 7 years ago

In the Russian localization menu in Mint 18.3 (mate) x64, on the Programming Error item. It looks like it is not beautiful, it looks like (Программи- рование), in general a phrase with a break.).

imperator 7 years ago


sorcerer25 7 years ago

if I review an app and I don't have correct name/pass registered in this app, then MY REVIEW IS GONE BE CAUSE THIS APP DON'T HAVE SOMETHING LIKE BACK BUTTON ... I wrote the same review 5 times be cause of it ... THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR THAT ... fix this ffs !!!!!!

kruegejj 7 years ago

Seg faults about 1/2 the time right at startup. Doesn't appear to be capable of remembering user account information. Use aptitude / apt-get instead.

mani-b 8 years ago

Ausgezeichnet, ob in Linux Mint 18/18.1, oder in Linux Mint Debian !!! Und besser als das Software-Center ab Ubuntu 16.04.....was nicht alles anzeigt, wie z.B. Battle for Wesnoth usw. Dies war auch ein Grund für meine anderen Familienmitglieder von Ubuntu zu Linux Mint zu wechseln ;) Weiter so