
Search results
Last edited Title Score Votes Comments
12 years ago How to activate Compiz in Mint 13 Maya MATE 49 55 62
13 years ago Reinstall grub2 from LiveCD 49 65 49
13 years ago Watch HD (high definition) videos with Linux Mint and nvidia graphics card 46 58 14
7 years ago How to upgrade to Linux Mint 18 45 49 42
14 years ago Adding New Fonts to Your System 45 52 18
12 years ago APT 4 Newbies 41 42 22
13 years ago Simple and advanced Shell (Terminal) tutorial. 41 45 18
14 years ago The Linux Mint FAQ 39 45 7
11 years ago Conky - System Monitor For Linux Mint 38 46 20
10 years ago Linux Mint 17 on the MacBook Pro 37 41 83
14 years ago Taking screenshots of Software 37 44 17
12 years ago Clean Up Grub Boot Menu 34 43 12
13 years ago How To Create A .deb Package From Source & Install It Automatically 33 34 10
10 years ago How to install Oracle JDK on Linux Mint 32 40 36
11 years ago Add new screen resolution in Linux Mint 32 40 40
9 years ago Installing softwares in linux 32 35 12
11 years ago How to execute *.sh files on Linux 32 41 10
13 years ago LMDE, intel, nvidia and compiz tips 32 37 22
9 years ago Keyboard Shortcuts for the GNOME Desktop 32 47 17
9 years ago Upgrade from LMDE 1 to LMDE 2 31 34 21

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