
small and fast audio player which supports lots of formats
  20 reviews

Audacious is a fork of beep-media-player which supports Winamp skins and many codecs.

In the default install, the following codecs are supported:

* MP3 * Ogg Vorbis / Theora * AAC and AAC+ * FLAC * ALAC * Windows Media (WMA) * WAVE

Additionally, Audacious is extendable through plugins, and contains other useful features like LIRC support. Support for many more codecs can also be added through plugins.

This package contains the core player and its localization.
Latest reviews
jimlikesmint 1 month ago

Amazing! Love the winamp customizations, although a bit tricky to find how to use them, you just need to put the uncompressed folder to `/usr/share/audacious/Skins`.

edihuesos 5 months ago

me encanta sencillo basico y tan pequeño como lo imagine, los detalles me encantan.

barryedmiston 7 months ago

After slogging through a few players that seem to have been kluged together by the bloatware specialists of Redmond, the simplicity and functionality of this is a joy.

alec-br 9 months ago

Muito bom, simples e funcional.

Santila 11 months ago

Хороший плеер. Версия 4.1 из репозитория

Uiabird 1 year ago

Plays music just fine and has gapless playback, would recommend.

usuarioleigo 1 year ago

OTIMO E FACIL DE USAR! é meu aplicativo para ouvir musica preferido, só uso ele a muito tempo.

bayucs83 1 year ago

The closest I can get to AIMP on Linux Mint as of now. Works fine, no issues, the standard size is too small and the Double Size is too big, but no big deal

pcfan5 2 years ago

Excellent! It should come as default in LinuxMint instead of the Rhydhmbox shit. You can set alsa as default output!. (thanks for the tip to "ohbaewin" user) It has nice effects such as "cristalizer". GTK interface is excelent for those like me that don't like small views with tinny buttoms. You can even see the cover of the album. Nice easy going program!

ohbaewein 2 years ago

I've tried several audio players, and this is the one that most easily bypasses the PulseAudio that Linux uses by default and lets you output directly through ALSA, giving you total control of the sound quality. What this means practically is that you can output hi-res music to your DAC without any downsampling. If you have an audioophile system, this is a must. Hi-res music files sound noticeably better. This is the best audio player I've found; it has straightforward controls, works consistently, and sounds great.

kelevra 2 years ago

Perfect little Winamp clone. It looks and works like old faithful. Great audio player.

Ivan_anatolyevich 2 years ago

Отличное приложение, одно из лучших.

XorOrNor 3 years ago

The best audio player on Linux :)

SR-1971 3 years ago

The best for now time! Лучший на данный момент!

rahmanlar 3 years ago

Great audio player, lot a better than Rhythmbox.

AlexandruD 3 years ago

My favorite audio player!

Ciberpolimatia 3 years ago

Para meu gosto, o melhor e mais amigável player de música. A interface GTK é limpa e altamente funcional. Os saudosistas do "RWindows" têm a possibilidade de ficar com a interface padrão. Independente da interface, é o mais amigável dos players.

Eugo 4 years ago

Not able to cope with my 20000 titles long library, takes forever. Tries to be a catalogue and to teach me how to organize my music - thanks but no, thanks. I was looking for a player, not this.

Rukatvor 4 years ago

Мені подобається цей плеєр, правда після першої установки доводиться змінювати кодування тексту на UTF-8, потім в списку відтворення F5. І текст композицій вже не так лякає)))

OpenPLUTO 4 years ago

"Audacious, Audacious! It really whips the llamas ass!"