
GNOME disk usage analyzer
  16 reviews

Disk Usage Analyzer is a graphical, menu-driven application to analyse disk usage in a GNOME environment. It can easily scan either the whole filesystem tree, or a specific user-requested directory branch (local or remote).

It also auto-detects in real-time any changes made to your home directory as far as any mounted/unmounted device. Disk Usage Analyzer also provides a full graphical treemap window for each selected folder.
Latest reviews
zack 2 years ago

I use it a few times to see where the files are that weigh on the disk, it appears as an image tree, to locate them easily, and now I use "bleachbit" to delete temporary files because with baobab it is just to preview

tekola 4 years ago

Excelletn. Does the job with NO command line need. Scans USB drives as well as local drive. Could be a little better graphics.

iosonoscrive 9 years ago

The best The best

tom_berg 9 years ago

Very good for less than 1MB!

asderceder 10 years ago

I don't really understand the graphs but the quick number output is great

3dBloke 10 years ago

So useful. Makes analysing disk usage easy.

fixus971 10 years ago

Buono ma non mi vede FTP come altri programmi.

HerrDierk 10 years ago

Really helpfull tool and a GUI makes it simple to use

real_complex 11 years ago

I've never seen the like before! Very very useful application

fotonix 11 years ago

Just discovered this, while finding OverDisk for my legacy XP box. This is awesome!!

jmaltube 12 years ago

I always use it to know what is consuming my disk space!

arvislacis 12 years ago

Maybe not very powerful application but it can easy show the usage (free and used amount) of hard disk and also can scan for content size in home directory and it's subdirectories.

bugz 12 years ago

Extremely useful to find what is wasting your disk space, especially if you have large amount of files and facing the situation when 4Gb DVD isos are sporadically placed to `some` subfolder. This program will show you disk space allocation in visual manner.

Mintification 12 years ago

Beautifully simple and simply beautiful. An excellent disk usage analyzer.

newpaul 12 years ago

Indispensable. It would be partly redundant if there was an instant Media View in Linux that could show, with animated icons & numbers, the usage percentages of all active storage media (a bit like the My Computer view in Windows 7). As it is, the Disk Usage Analyzer is a blunt & very clear way of obtaining this with a few clicks.

kajttek 13 years ago

very good. Helpful too search files by size and cleaning disk