
bittorrent client written in Python/PyGTK
  20 reviews

Deluge is a full-featured, multi-platform, multi-interface BitTorrent client using libtorrent-rasterbar in it's backend and featuring multiple user-interfaces: GTK+, web and console.

It has been designed using the client-server model with a daemon process that handles all the bittorrent activity. The Deluge daemon is able to run on headless machines with the user-interfaces being able to connect remotely from any platform.

You may want to install this package to use Deluge in classic mode, which means the daemon and the GTK+ user-interface are linked together.
Latest reviews
khoesaanie 1 month ago

Works great. Run 'sudo apt install deluged' if the web-ui daemon does not start. This will create simlink (path).

richolate 1 year ago

me gustó bastante. (I quite liked it.)

iphreaki 2 years ago

Works great... MUCH better than QBittorrent

BernarCom 2 years ago

Sempre usei, inclusive no M$, mas a versão que instalei ontem (06/06/22) está parando de responder por demora e não guarda o histórico de arquivos baixados.

ngallini 3 years ago

Simple, efectivo, y facil de usar...todo lo que se necesita de un cliente Torrent!

XorOrNor 3 years ago

Works flawlessly. Fit my needs better than transmission which is missing some features.

MooseMalloy 3 years ago

Regrettably, I would advise against using Deluge atm. It is no longer developed. In my own experience, uploads can be very erratic; often other torrent users are not seen. It *may* be related to the standby/suspend function, since it seems more reliable after a fresh reboot (just a guess). I have switched my torrent list to qbitorrent (>40 torrents) and there has been an immediate and large increase in upload traffic. Deluge was always perfect for downloading though.

JimmiVP 3 years ago

Not bloated like most not too minimalistic like Transmission. The best torrent client there is :) Dont use others. qBittorent is full of bugs for example

neglesaks 3 years ago

Deluge used to be a very good bittorrent client, but in later years it has seen less maintenance and has a number of bugs. It's unfortunately become somewhat unstable, and worst of all, some people experience that using it overloads their LAN router, causing major network problems. A better torrent client at the moment seems to be qbittorrent.

AlexandruD 3 years ago

Very good!

Luis00 3 years ago

It runs smoothly and its speed is great but I was not able to change its language

tzamoy 4 years ago


GustavoCosta 4 years ago

Interface simples, funcional e disponivel em idioma portugues br. Gosto bastante desse aplicativo. Já usava em outro SO, e fico feliz por te-lo disponivel no linux.

Hoerli 4 years ago

Ich bevorzuge Deluge vor µTorrent. Es ist einfacher und vor allem Werbefreier aufgebaut. Das Tool läuft zuverlässig und ohne nennenswerte Probleme.

cleverbastard 5 years ago

Le meilleur et de TRES loin. Visuellement proche de Vuze mais open source et sans pubs. Parfait.

Knezev87 5 years ago


dineshS 5 years ago

It has more features than transmission.

humanpride 5 years ago

my beloved torrent client for over 7 years. Never needed any other. For about 2 weeks now I have this problem with paused torrents that won't resume. After hours of searching no solution anywhere. Three stars because of our history. Time to move on to another client...

longnguyen2306 6 years ago

best software for the best pirates

vavolop 6 years ago

It freeses and slows down my web browser. I get back to the Transmission