Perfect for getting the Super+V clipboard history I was used to having in Windows.
Diodon worked right away with Ctrl+C and added a new icon in the panel to see clipboard history and preferences. Since I want Super+V to open the Diodon context menu with clipboard history, I added a custom shortcut in Linux Mint Preferences » Keyboard (command: /usr/bin/diodon), and it works great.
[[[Update: now running 21.1 with Diodon 1.12.0-1 and everything is much easier. All I had to do was install it and follow the simple instructions to assign a keyboard shortcut.]]] To use in Mint/Cinnamon 20.2 (and likely other versions) you need to instal Zeitgeist and at least in my case I needed the newer version of Diodon (1.11.1). Here's how I did it: 1) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:diodon-team/stable 2) sudo apt-get update 3) Use synaptic to install Diodon 1.11.1 (the ppa allows you to get this later version, then you can likely install it from the terminal if you prefer) 4) sudo apt-get install zeitgeist (I had to close other programs first in order for this command to work) 5) sudo apt-get install activity-log-manager-control-center (once installed, running this allows you to adjust Zeitgeist settings, I turned everything off except 'documents' and 'images' so these are saved in the clipboard for Diodon to use, but nothing else is stored) 6) Restart Diodon if you had it running before installing Zeitgeist, then you can map Diodon to a keyboard shortcut (directions in Diodon's 'preferences'), I used 'super-v' as in Windows. Not easy but it seems to work. Note: in Firefox (I'm running 93) you have to be quick with your custom shortcut or else Diodon won't open. Seems to work perfectly in a text file. Pastes plain text only, which I prefer. 5 starts because it includes pasting images and comparable alternatives I tried I couldn't get to work.
Diodon parece ser la alternativa de "clip it" para debian osea "LMDE" (linux mint debian), y hasta ahora funciona bien, si la recomiendo es facil y simple. (Diodon seems to be the alternative of "clip it" for debian, that is "LMDE" (linux mint debian), and so far it works well, if I recommend it it is easy and simple.)
Fonctionne très bien sous LinuxMint 20.1 Cinnamon. Il faut cependant redemarrer la session après l'avoir installé.
Finally! Works in Mint 20 Xfce. Mint couldn't use ANY multi clipboard software from 8.x or 9.x (when multi clipboard disappeared from default installation) up to 19.x . Now in 20, all multi-clipboarders work, just install and enjoy.
Very nice. And it's the only clipboard manager I could get to work in Linux Mint 17.
Seems OK but only 3 of the history are visible for pasting, you have to scroll through to see the rest
Lightweight clipboard manager that integrates well with cinnamon. It also remembers images.