This version (29.3 at time of writing) usually lags behind the latest (29.4 at time of writing). To get the latest you can use ppa:ubuntuhandbook1/emacs You can also use the flatpak version but I have had some persmission issues with that.
This is a great piece of software, but you're better off using either the kellyk PPA or the snap for the newest version
Good for proof assistants like Leanprover and Agda. Bad because very english centric with too much terminology to memorise. This was really easy to install on Linux Mint 20.3 Cinnamon tho!
For VIM fans: Use what you like, why would you come bashing emacs here? And we're not even talking same things. eMacs is a full-blown IDE for any languages, and not even just that, it's an OS within an OS basically. It even has by default applications like web-browser, file-manager, IRC-client, etc. etc. and can even run as Window Manager. It's not comparable to VIM - it's like comparing nano or Windows NotePad to full IDE.
wow...i just find this abysmal. not to say it's necessarily bad for all, but just ew. i prefer and recommend geany over this.
You can find a better editor for a particular programming language. You won't find a better one if you use multiple languages.
slime, org-mode, supports everything under the sun -- with common, but customizable keybindings, extensible and thoroughly hypertextual.. what could _possibly_ be better?