tenes que activar compiz y despues activas esmerald, te va a salir en la barra de notificaciones un icono de compiz y te da la opcion para activarlo
How could I change the systempassword of LInux Mint Olivia for the menu?
i have Mint DE and wonder how to install this. click on install, nothing happen.. any instruction on how to install? I'm new..
Works on LM16 & 17 with MATE, XFCE, and is amazing with Emerald. It's tricky to configure with ccsm, buggy, and you'll need to look up how to get it working.
i don't hate the software, just pissed that it doesn't work/play well with linux mint 12
I love this. You can get osme of the nicest Window decorations on any platform and if you have the time and skill, you can build your own theme.