
Genealogical research program
  20 reviews

Gramps is an Open Source genealogy program written in Python, using the GTK/GNOME interface. It is an extremely flexible program fitting the needs for both the amateur genealogist and serious genealogical researcher. Gramps has the ability to import GEDCOM files exported from many proprietary genealogy programs and can produce a large number of reports in many popular formats.
Latest reviews
crazypiglady 4 years ago

This is a great program. I've been using it for years and it keeps all the varied information I have in one place. The Mint (Ubuntu) repository should have a more recent version

rjlohman1966 4 years ago

Found to be unintuitive. Multiple screens to store source details; PDFs aren't considered "media", user guide contains multiple circular references and written from the perspective of this is what interface objects do, rather than this is how you manage your genealogical information, etc. This software was written by highly technical developers thinking more about functions and data models than usabillity.

Shadowstreik 6 years ago

This is a fantastic program. However, vrsion 5.0.1 has been released and not updated in the software manager.

peterroos 6 years ago

Not just the only serious genealogy program on Linux, but also a very professional one. I moved from windows-only Legacy family tree to Gramps 5.0. No regret. Gramps is very professional and fulfills every need a serious genealogists wants.

Techknotted 7 years ago

If you like others end up here and are running Mint and want to upgrade, I strongly suggest Go to gramps project org Sign up for forums. 2) Read the version support info and talk with like minded people for support. If any issues with Mapping like in Mint 17, go to Gramps download page and make sure the extra packages are loaded but not avail in Synaptics! Enjoy.

SQ8GBG 8 years ago

Program bardzo przydatny przy tworzeniu drzewa genealogicznego. Jest za Free i czasem ma swoje "fochy" ale wszystko da się ogarnąć.

p_pat 9 years ago

What I see of Gramps 4.0.3 from the repository is good however there are some that modules won't load. A manager on the Gramps bug tracking system suggested that this version is unstable and should be replaced with 4.2.1. btw, I use Rebecca 17.1. I am anxious to get my family tree up and running on Gramps soon!

philsdutchie 9 years ago

Great software but Mint repo has old version. The windows opened by tools gives only one line unreadable text and cant be stretched

MrTMC 9 years ago

Takes a little time to learn how to use it and it has some quirky aspects Also as many packages do, it tends towards US terminology for such items as addresses, but these aside it's a powerful package with great functionality. Another useful aspect is that the program is cross platform and can also be used on Windows machines allowing collaboration with other family members.

slekw 9 years ago

fijn pakket

alexey-1111 9 years ago

Not so sexy as some commertial tools, but contains all the same functionality and have fair export and import of data unlike other tools

harstadmg 9 years ago

Like Longfellow said, "when she was good, she was very, very good, But when she was bad she was horrid." Especially in terms of file management...

vandamme 9 years ago

Mint repo has old version

Kajko 10 years ago

Great program for geneaology!

hilly53 11 years ago

Really useful software, especially reporting options and gramplets.

ralphdewitt 11 years ago

Great software, but you have to backup for each update or risk disaster.

skedarmaster 11 years ago

The repo is not to the current version but the program itself is very good for those who are interested in genealogy.

RytronII 12 years ago

Tricky to get the hang of but still a decent family tree tool.

baztabroh 12 years ago

jaleb nist

BernardDecock 12 years ago

Nice program