
powerful text editor
  20 reviews

Kate is a powerful text editor that can open multiple files simultaneously.

With a built-in terminal, syntax highlighting, and tabbed sidebar, it performs as a lightweight but capable development environment. Kate's many tools, plugins, and scripts make it highly customizable.

Kate's features include:

* Multiple saved sessions, each with numerous files * Scriptable syntax highlighting, indentation, and code-folding * Configurable templates and text snippets * Symbol viewers for C, C++, and Python * XML completion and validation
Latest reviews
Menthalambd 2 months ago

You need to replace xed if you are seriously using your text editor. Kate is a faboulous replacement, that handles big files without hiccups, can manage sessions and has incredible integrated functionality. Also works great as a replacement for Notepad++ if coming from Windows.

Fonzie 2 months ago

This looks incredibly messy with a dark theme as parts of the UI are dark with black text (illegible) and other parts are completely in a white theme. A lot of the text is near-impossible to read and the UI looks incoherent and feels painful to the eyes. UPDATE: As of 2024-11-16, this package is about 3 years out of date. This should not be acceptable!

ALH477 7 months ago

A great text editor and IDE, can do practically anything you need it too. If looks are what you're after, then idk. Use visual studio or get a mac.

bumpsee 8 months ago

Horribly ugly with a dark theme. Basically as everyone here says, there seems to be no native way to fix that. Kate provides a "Color Scheme"-setting that does absolutely nothing. Icons appear to be unchangeable. This is literally unusable if you don't already know your way around the app blindly. I doubt this is still getting support, as the appearance would be on top of any developer's priority list.

Soupspoon 8 months ago

Horrible appearance with custom dark theme on cinnamon to corroborate Fonzie's experience. Flatpak version is more tolerable but contrast is poor. Overall a shame, otherwise decent in its native QT environment.

MaLieBoDe 2 years ago

Very powerfull Editor with nice name :)

rn777 2 years ago

Отличный блокнот. Давно им пользуюсь.

maxb 3 years ago

It takes very long time to start app, about 30 seconds. It's ridiculous!

sassy 4 years ago

Lightweight and yet powerfull. Encoding selector is very usefull too!

aik_1949 5 years ago

The best test editor for programers is still Multi-Edit. There are DOS and Windows versions of ME only. Among Linux text editors Kate is the nearest to Multi-Edit but is far from being comparable to it. I wish the Kate people to lower the difference.

rawaniajay 5 years ago

It's good but I prefer geany.

windumbnew 7 years ago

install kde data packages to run kate flawlessly.

osama_salah 7 years ago

Rich with useful features and light

novell 7 years ago

Приводит к некорректной работе системы, из за открытия больших докуметнов. В некоторых случаях при открытии SH-файлов может и вовсе убить систему!

Belliric 8 years ago

the best editor

Cooo 8 years ago

Leafpad & Nano can be thrown in the trash; Kate works great on Mint 18. It should suit most needs from editing code to note taking and whatever.

ruchirarya 9 years ago

In my case kate never show sidebar, even if i choose to show. So i can work on only one file at a time. Please help!!!!!

commanderzero13 9 years ago

Was using Text Editor before, not touching it. The fact that I can SAVE the session and do more specific editing with this program and manage files easier, just perfect. I am a writer, I use Libre for writing, a text editor for the couple note files. So yeah, great application!!!

Boli99 9 years ago

Great editor. For those having problems trying to save, write this command in terminal : sudo-apt install kdelibs-bin kdelibs5-data kdelibs5-plugins

LuvIsBadToTheBone 9 years ago

crashes while save